Saturday, May 16, 2015

Eleven Years in the Making

I don't mind getting behind on regular posts. After all, by the time my grandkids read this blog, it won't matter much what is where. But I do feel a bit guilty when a birthday comes and goes without a mention on here. However, since a month hasn't passed yet, I won't feel too bad.

Robyn opted for a friend party this year. She wanted to go do the ropes course at the Provo Beach Resort. She seems ready for the karaoke bar, if not dangling dozens of feet above the ground.

Seems we have a whole chorus line.

The girls had such fun wandering around on the course. I love this silhouette picture.

It was hard to get good pictures, but I liked a pillar on one side. It had the best light. I caught most of the group there.

It was Ivory's first time. (She was finally tall enough.) I like this picture because you can see Ivory below and Robyn's feet above.

When we were all done, we headed home, but not before doing some fountain diving.

What do you think they found down there? Coins?

No, a whoopee cushion. I can't decide if that is really gross or really funny.

The rest of the party was pretty simple. The girls watched a movie while I made tacos for everyone. We paused the show to eat dinner and open presents. And of course have some birthday cake...I mean, donut.

This birthday girl looks ready to blow out those eleven candles crammed into one donut.

My camera needs light. (I'm sure you have read dozens on posts of my complaints about low light. I tend to be a whiner.) While we were singing, Mo-mo turned off the lights for better ambiance. Okay, we'll work with it.

The lighting in the room immediately changed once Robyn blew out the candles, so I did the best I could. You get the idea.

Robyn enjoyed opening all her gifts. She has such fun friends right now.

I loved how Izzy sat behind her and organized all her stuff for her.

What a fun group of girls. Second from the left was Emma who joined us late. It was really a fun party.

On Robyn's actual birthday, she still had a few things to look forward to. Grandma's like to send gifts. Money is always accepted. (Thanks Grandma Cazier.)

And Robyn was really happy to receive this Flareon. (Thanks Grandma Dargan.)

Then it was time for school. I sent this sassy girl out the door.

She had a good day, including lunch with Dad. She may have gone the same place as Ivory and partaken of the same treats.

I came later to deliver balloons as always. We had a bit of a theme, if you can't tell. Remember the new found love of Pokemon.

She brought a unique treat for her class. Ever had Pocky? So delish. Robyn is such a great kid. She is genuinely funny and creative. Her art is getting better all the time. I love watching her grow and change. And yet, she is still a kid at heart. Maybe that is my favorite part right now.

Happy Birthday Robynino!

1 comment:

  1. My goodness - I don't think I'd last ten minutes in that place she picked for her birthday party. However, were I 50 years younger and many pounds lighter, I would love it. Thanks for sharing the birthday memories with us!
