Thursday, July 30, 2015

Families are Forever

Vicki requested that all the family get new clothes for the funeral. It was a great idea and the girls felt so special wearing their 'Grandpa clothes' as they called them. I thought they looked mighty cute, but I'm not sure any family could look as sharp as Kolby's family. There is something about guys in suits. So classic and pristine.

Since they were all dressed up, Kat requested a quick family photo shoot. I think her family looks great.

Two of my favorite people.

Hinckley is still going through chemo treatments. I have not talked a lot about his journey here on the blog. Mostly because I feel it is his family's story to tell. They have been very open about the process and are good about keeping everyone updated. And Hinckley just shines. He is so patient and positive through all he is going through. I'm so impressed with his strength of spirit. The muscles in the right side of his face are still not as responsive, so he has a crooked smile right now. I think he is as cute as ever.

All the boys in the family wore pink socks in honor of Barry. I like this photo where Tyler made the colors pop. (All these boys are fantastic kids. They are funny, helpful, and so good-natured. They get that from their mom.)

Kathryn picked out purple accented ties for the boys. They all looked amazing. Check out this special knot that Kolby does. When I asked Kaysen the name of the knot, he called it 'The Great Kolbe.'

Kolby and Kathryn are a really great couple. They both work hard. Kathryn amazes me with her strong quiet endurance and never ending kindness to others. And they are such a handsome couple.

It is always great to see them!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update on Tyler's brother's family. What ever happened to the little ducks that I cross-stitched for them?
