Tuesday, July 14, 2015


My mom commented on my last post that I had missed a few rides that we went on. My goal is not to cover everything. (My memory hasn't kept it all anyway.) My aim to to get most of the details and be satisfied with an overall sense of an enjoyable week. (Which it was.)

I did forget to mention that I took Miranda on Tower of Terror for the first time. She really liked it, and despite some really annoying blokes in the line behind us, we had a great time.

Day 2 dawned and we hit the park early to get on Cars. That is still the most popular ride as far as I can tell. The fast passes are gone before noon and the line is usually around 80 minutes long, at least. But I'm not surprised because it is my favorite too. Wait...hold on. Morning selfie. Come on everyone.

After Cars, a quick photo in Radiator Springs.

Tim was there too. He looks chipper this morning. Actually, he is allowed to make that face. His foot hurt him terribly the whole time he was there, and yet he walked around anyway.

We headed right back over to Disneyland to make the rounds in Fantasyland. I saw Daisy Duck on my way and got a picture for my child who loves Daisy. (Guess what? It isn't Daisy.)

I asked the kids before I left if they would like anything in particular and IVORY requested something with Daisy Duck because that is her favorite character. Who knew? That ended up being quite the hunt. There is not a lot of Daisy Duck paraphernalia out there. Plenty of Minnie, not so much Daisy. Ironically, I found Ivory's present in the gift shop of our motel.

This year is Disney's 60th anniversary, which makes sense since my mom went to Disneyland when it first opened and she was five. There is all this special stuff for the 'diamond' anniversary. The princess castle is decked out. I think it is supposed to look like jewels. It mostly does.

Haha. I took this selfie from the exact same spot as the last picture, but look how much smaller the castle looks. I must have really long arms. It looks so much farther away.

The Matterhorn was a must. I like the Yetis inside that are much more realistic than the ones in my childhood.

Close by, there was a fun little photo op where you could scale the Matterhorn. Tim is doing a fantastic job climbing up.

Miranda is a natural at scaling mountains.

I took my turn and had some unexpected guests. Impressive that Alice isn't even holding the rope, but she is managing to stay on the mountain. Wow.

I saw Tim Arthur near his sword, so I got a shot.

And you have to take a picture in Toad's car. It is mandatory.

We barely got off Peter Pan in time to make it over to the Blue Bayou for lunch. I can not even describe how tasty it was. Three of us ordered the Monte Cristo that came with different berry sauces for dipping. They were out of this world. They were even better than I remembered. Four very full happy people left the restaurant. (Thanks again mom for the fabulous lunch.)

Miranda and Tim both got a glow cube in their drink. (This picture was taken later, but it fits better here.)

We watched the preview for Antman. It was pretty cool. I might even go watch it in theaters.

Mom and I are wearing our cool 3D glasses. Too bad I never have my flash turned on.

We also went to the Beast's Library to see which characters we meshed with. See if you can guess who I am from the description.

Eve. Huh. Considering I can't even remember that film, I'll have to take their word for it. (I am kind of pale like her and we both have blue eyes.)

Ready for my villainous match?

The Evil Queen of course. It is hard to be beautiful only on the outside.

Tim's alter ego was Peter Pan. And if chose the dark side, he would be Gaston. (Fitting.) Miranda was Belle. (Perfect match) And Ursula for her evil side. I don't really see that one.

Mom was Sally from Cars. I caught her evil side in action.

Maleficent...the queen of all bad guys.

Outside we saw the Incredibles and Frozone.

I didn't get pictures of all the characters we saw. Not counting parades we glimpsed:

The Incredibles
Mad Hatter
Winnie the Pooh
Daisy Duck
Captain America
Dora (wait...was she at Universal?)
And some guy that we were sure was Jack Sparrow. He looked so authentic, but it turns out he was just a visitor to the park. (Nice costume though.)

Mom and I wanted to go on the Grizzly River Rapids, but Tim and Miranda declined getting wet again.

It was fun, and Mom took most of the water. I think it is attracted to her somehow. We ended up taking Miranda and Tim back to the hotel to rest and Mom was able to change into dry clothes. Lucky her.

Only the two of us ventured out in the evening. We saw Captain America over in tomorrow land. (Wow, he looks just like Tyler.)

We rode the train around the park. Well, I rode it all the way around. Mom got off in New Orleans and beat me back to Main Street. Doesn't surprise me...that speed demon.

We decided to stay for the new light parade. When I was a kid it was called the Electrical Parade, but they finally did away with it. (Not sure why.) But they made a new one for the 60th anniversary and it is called 'Paint the Night'. It gets super crowded. Mom was able to sit on her scooter and I sat on the curb in front of her.

It was incredible to watch. I took lots of pictures, but I'll only put a few on here.

The fireworks start right after so we stayed for those as well. It was a little tricky getting under the white ropes. (You MUST be under the ropes.) But we squished in. They do projections on the castle and Matterhorn. It is worth getting close if you can.

Back to the motel after to play some card games before bed. We didn't stay up late since every morning was an early morning. (I somehow thought I would get to sleep in on vacation. Not this time.)

What did I miss mom?

We did Big Thunder Mountain Railroad the first day, right? We all loved it and you were a little queasy.

Tomorrow we rest from Disney and try something else.

1 comment:

  1. You got most of it. We did Snow White, Pinocchio and It's a Small World in between Mr. Toad and Peter Pan. After the Sorcerer's Workshop we did Cars again (we had fast passes), and you finally took Tim on Tower of Terror. It was right after that (I think) that we planned on going on Monsters Inc., but it was broken. I have to admit that I miss that little scooter. It is such fun to zip around on!
