Saturday, July 11, 2015

Top 20 Memories

It is really hard to organize a whole week's vacation into one post, so I'm not going to even try. (Ha) But I am going to write down my top twenty memories (in no particular order) so I can see most of the highlights here. Even so, there are plenty more memories than that and they will come with the pictures. I apologize Mom, Miranda, and Tim if your favorite memory is not mentioned here.

1. Getting stuck on Pirates for 20 minutes (Yo ho ho ho, a pirate's life for me!)

2. Alistair getting the shoe.

3. Salvador talking the ENTIRE bus ride to Universal.

4. Playing Hangman

5. People stepping on my flip flops a bazillion times. (Hello flat tire...again.)

6. The LEFT car DOES win! Mom was right.

7. Pushing the wheelchair all over the park and trying to catch up to mom's zooming scooter.

8. My first photobomb.

9. Breaking down on Big Thunder and getting to walk through the tunnel.

10. Blue  Bayou. Those Monte Cristos were amazing.

11. I got sick. Bleh.

12. Paint the Night Parade and the fireworks. Make sure you are inside the white ropes.

13. Mom buying me the cutest shoe ornaments!

14. Alice and the Mad Hatter jumping into our photo.

15. Sitting in the sun for hours on end to save a bench.

16. Grumpy Tim

17. Getting soaked at Water World

18. Tim clogging the toilet three times. (Sorry Tim, I had to add that one.)

19. Everyone loved the Tower of Terror!

20. Pouring out Mom's water. (oops.)

There are so many more memories, I could go on for another 20 for sure. The best memory was getting to be with people I love on a fun vacation. It never would have happened if Mom hadn't been so generous in taking us all. It really was a fantastic time. Next

1 comment:

  1. This will be a tremendous help to me when I finally get around to catching up on my trip journal. This week was dedicated to getting our finances back in order (ie. paying bills), adjusting to working again, and getting the Ward Newsletter out. What fun!
