Monday, September 7, 2015

Back to Random

Things are falling into a nice routine, just as I predicted. Kids are loving school, and I am trying to make sure I use my time efficiently. I'm getting more stitching done, I am caught up on my reading, and I am working on a project that has been on my to-do list for months. I would call that a success.

I haven't taken a lot of pictures, but I'll post the ones I have. There was another blood drive and Ivory begged to go. I couldn't decide what was so enticing about sitting there for an hour and a half waiting for mom, but I figured it out when we got to the free snacks at the end of the ordeal. Ivory brought her monkey, Congo, along. She had an assignment to keep him with her for a few days and write about their adventures.

What could be more exciting than watching people bleed. (Probably more mild than the book, Congo. Can't remember if I read that book, although I do enjoy Michael Crichton.) Ivory likes watching when they insert the needle. I usually look the other way.

Ivory says it is a tradition to take a picture of the bag of blood. Not sure if that is true, but she was in charge of the camera.

And to be honest, they do have yummy snacks. Not worth the wait in my opinion, but I didn't come for the snacks in the first place.

Pearl's first assignment in school was an 'All About Me' poster. We usually have one on hand from Preschool, but I try to make it a point to not use the same one. However, since I didn't scavenge from the old one, and Costco's photo center was down (and had been for over a month) I had to use pictures we had around the house. We took down her wall photo and grabbed a couple extra pictures. I think it turned out cute.  

In other news, Daisy lost a second tooth...the companion bottom tooth. I got this picture before she really lost it. The bag with tooth went missing and never showed up. Poor tooth fairy. Sadly, many teeth from this house have not made it to tooth heaven.

The rec center was closed for two weeks which meant I was off the hook from boot camp. Yay! But exercise is one of my stations, so I pulled out the 30-day shred and dusted it off. The kids found it and thought it would be great fun to try it as well. They were working out like champs. (Even Pearl joined in later.)

Robyn was doing modified versions, learned from Studio C. I wish I had gotten a picture when everyone was doing jumping jacks and Robyn was making carpet angels.

On any given day, half the kids are out the door bright and early. June gets to hang out longer since her school starts later. Pearl is the last one down to the bus stop. We walk down every day, but if she is really lucky, she gets to ride down on the Grom. There is all kinds of jealousy from the boys at the bus stop. (Pearl is the only girl down there.) The big attraction at the stop is the horses, or Moxy, if I bring her.

I do feel bad that Pearl is stuck with me for a chunk of the day. I am weird. I watched her with my robot eye for a while at lunch the other day.

I have tried to make good use of our time. I taught her to ride her bike finally. She was ready...she just needed a bike and a few minutes to build confidence. All the Cazier's are bipedal now. (Wait...we have been that way for a while. That word seems like it should work here...)

Grandma Cazier sent the crew home with peaches the other weekend and I was not feeling motivated to make anything. But June was not going to let them go to waste. She spent all night making a pie while I was out. It turned out great, although I laughed because she made it in a cake pan, instead of a pie pan. (I think Tyler couldn't find the pie pans.) Still tasted delicious. Can you see the J she put on it?

I was out that night with Tricia at the theater. We went to see a friend, Annadee, perform in the Diary of Anne Frank. It was really good, although the story does have a sad ending. I have never read the book or seen the play before, but after watching this production, I want to read the book. It is a tragic tale with character and beauty as well. It is really hard to imagine what so many people went through during that period of history.

There you have it. Some pieces of our life around here.


  1. I like catching up. It's been forever since I sat and read some of my favorite's like catching up with an old friend :)

  2. Sounds like you've got your life pretty much in order. Wish I could say the same! Congrats to June for making a pie. I didn't learn how to do that until I was in college!
