Monday, October 19, 2015

It's the Most Inspiring Time of the Year

I LOVE General Conference weekend. And I believe that we are passing on that love to our children. I am impressed with how well the older kids listen. Tyler does a quiz after each session to see if we can remember who spoke about what. Most of the time, the kids can remember something about each talk. I admit that I listen a little harder because Tyler will be expecting some answers after, but I would listen anyway because the talks are full of truth and inspiration for me.

The Conference Wall is doing well. It is a part of the process now. The reward was the same this time around; a book for finishing all the apostles talks, and dinner if you reread all the talks. Ivory was way ahead in the game. She finished the top 15 months early, but didn't get the rest read until the last month before.

I believe that I actually finished first this time around. (I wanted to make sure that I deserved going out to dinner with the girls.) The last week or so before conference, I was waking kids up at 6 in the morning (by request) so they could read a conference talk before school. I was so impressed with their determination and dedication. June, Robyn, and Ivory all reached their goal in time. Here is the wall.

We voted where to go for dinner and we decided on Sweet and Savory, a crepe place in town. There were a lot of laughs that night.

We had to play with the postage stamp picture again.

Robyn took a picture of me and I told her that I wasn't even smiling. She said, "It doesn't matter mom." She was right. I think Ivory looks good on me.

Ivory got a kids meal. It came in a car. A little strange.

June and I had some yummy looking crepes.

They weren't too bad, but this was the reason we went. DESSERT crepes. That banana one was so delicious!!

After dinner, we went looking for books and everyone found something they liked. Ivory got some intricate coloring books, Robyn got the School for Good and Evil and is already on the third book in the series. June couldn't decide so Tyler and I got her some of our favorite books from the past -- Eddie Fantastic and Interstellar Pig.

Conference was amazing as usual. It was great to hear from the three new apostles, Ronald A. Rasband, Gary E. Stevenson, and Dale G. Renlund. There were so many good talks that I can't wait to reread them. Tyler has never really gotten on board the Conference Wall train. He reads the talks, but never bothers to sign his name. But I think he is ready to join us for dinner. At the moment, he has already read ten of the talks. At this rate, he will be done by December. I hope we can all catch up.

I still stitch, along with many of the kids. Ivory finished a project this time around. I think her little horse turned out very well. I need to frame it for her.

One of the coolest ideas that stemmed from conference was Ivory's FHE idea the next day. She decided we should have our own Cazier conference. She put topics in a cup and we drew them out and had a chance to write five facts or sentences about our topic. Then we each spoke. Ivory was conducting and she introduced each person in turn. It was fun because she mixed up names so they sounded more official, like Brother T. Brigham Cazier.

We had our own podium and everyone had a chance to speak. I was so proud of each girl. Even though Daisy is little, she gave a phenomenal talk on baptism.

The funniest one was Pearl. She can't read enough yet, so Tyler came up as a translator. Pearl just said things like, "Mah mah mah," and Tyler would translate her words. It was so funny. I didn't quite grasp the topic because I laughed the whole way through. (Yes, not very reverent...I know.)

Tyler said he wouldn't mind having another Cazier conference in six months time. I know I am already looking forward to April.

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