Monday, November 23, 2015

Don't Be Disappointed

Well folks. Twenty-three days is a pretty good streak. I have no more pertinent information to get out to you at the moment and I would like to stop tormenting my brain with tid-bits to regale you with. I am officially not going to post every day this month, and that is okay.

I still have some things that I will blog about, so I'll still be around. After all, Turkey day is just around the corner.

But let's not make this more painful than it has to be. (For both of us.) I'll wait until I have real content to share and you whatever you would like. Maybe plan what dessert you will have with Thanksgiving this year. I hear pumpkin pie is out. Try something new, like chocolate silk. Or don't even have pie. Live on the edge.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry - I'm a traditionalist when it comes to pumpkin pie. Amazing how good a vegetable can taste!
