Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Heart and Sole

Today I'll share with you two of my favorite Christmas things this year. (Or...last year. You know what I mean.)

First, I do love a good nativity. It is probably in my blood from my mother's side. That said, I have seen how many she has, and I don't desire that many. I just like a unique one here and there.

My other mother, Vicki, made me a baby Jesus rock last year. I told her I wanted another piece of the set this year. I was serious, but at the same time, I knew that she had made those rocks as individual pieces. But she totally came through.

Here is my baby Jesus from last year.

And here is His mother Mary.

Vicki said she was very unique and kind of wobbly. (It is probably hard to find the right rock for the job.) But I love how she sits. She is bent over a bit, but it makes it look like she is intent on her new son in the manger. She is amazing.

My other favorite thing this last season is my shoe tree. I had just one shoe last year and I bought another around Christmas time. That means 2015 started out with a whopping two shoes. I wasn't really planning on getting a tree for them yet. It didn't make sense.

But my mom bought me three shoe ornaments at Disneyland. And June won a shoe ornament in an auction at school. That brought my grand total to six shoes. Then a neighbor was getting rid of a small tree, so it was serendipity.

Behold, the shoe tree.

I think I might go for a less leafy tree in the future. I'm not quite sure how to display them, but it will come in time. And of course, Mom got me three more shoes for Christmas, and then Daisy found one more for me, so I have ten shoes. TEN! That is an actual collection. Let's look at each of these beauties. I love them all. The Disney ones are especially cute, but more expensive. (My mother is very generous.)

There you have it. Some of my favorite stuff from Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Dang - if our relationship was the other way around, I'd ask you to leave me the rock nativity in your will. As it is - you'll inherit my 130 plus nativities when I day (broo-hah-hah!) Love your shoe tree!
