Sunday, January 10, 2016

Photography Challenge 2016

I haven't settled on any solid INTENTIONS for 2016. There are a few things buzzing around in my brain. (And a whole post to go with them.) In the meantime, I knew that I wanted to be better about picking up my camera and taking pictures. The last photo challenge I did was back in 2011, but I really enjoyed it.

So I jumped on the band wagon. (Actually, there are many wagons as far as I can tell. The one I am following seems to be more detailed than my last one.) I am not going to go so far as to post pictures on FB or twitter and make them public, but I will try to be dutiful about getting them onto the blog. (Which is public to about 12 people.)

The theme this first week was B&W - MINIMALISM. This is what they recommended: Minimalism in photography follows the same general principles of minimalist art by focusing on color, lines, shapes, and geometry to convey meaning. Since this is a black and white challenge, color won’t be something you can use. Your goal is to reduce the number of elements and keep the photo as simple as possible while focusing on the composition.

 This is my photo:

Tyler told me that it didn't seem minimalist to him. Fair enough. He imagined one couch in a blank room. We all interpret things differently.


I have never tried an HDR photo before. I know Tyler has experimented with the technique, but this will be a new stretch for me. Also...not a lot of good bridges around my area. Here's hoping I don't give up right away.

1 comment:

  1. You do realize, don't you, that for some people (like myself) a lot of what you are saying is unintelligible. What on earth is an HDR? I'm looking forward to finding out.
