Friday, April 15, 2016

More Cracking - Hood Style

The neighborhood Crack Off is usually the hardest one to organize, because, amazingly, many adults are not sure about an Easter party. We invite many people every year and there are always people who can't come, or cancel at the last minute. It is a good thing that I can print brackets easily, because I never know how many we will have until the actual evening. There is also the problem of inviting the previous champion. Luckily, it has been the Keen's the last couple years, and they know the drill. Even so, they ended up coming on their daughter's birthday. That is true dedication.

Let's check out some of these eggs. Camie and Nate Call showed up first and we were pretty sure we wouldn't see any better eggs walk through the door. They are both artists and they did a great job.

Ilene Oliver made some beautiful eggs, but I laughed because I thought her ladybug head looked like a skull. That was probably to intimidate the competition.

Here are some other contenders.

I thought the Eggs-hibitionist was clever.

As I predicted, Camie's 'bearded lady' ran away with the win, but I was surprised and pleased that my 'Knock, knock yolk' came in second.

We had a great crowd that evening. They really got into it. Stafford's, McKitrick's, Keen's, Call's, Wilson's, Oliver's, and half the Holman's.

Tyler and I didn't lose right away like we usually do, but we also didn't make it to the finals. Typical.

Jana and Chris are always the couple to beat. I was amazed when Katie took them down.

However, Chris came back from the loser's bracket to face Katie, and unfortunately, Katie's second egg was already cracked, so she had to borrow one from us. As far as I know, a Cazier egg has never beaten a Keen egg, so it wasn't looking good for Katie.

Sure enough, Chris won it all. AGAIN! That is two years running for him, three for the Keen's. They are amazing!

Both Katie and Chris got a gift card, but the winner got a pineapple as honor of Tyler's Psyche egg.

Always a good time. Three down, three to go.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have any idea what your family has started with all of these crack-offs? Pretty soon it's going to become an Olympic sport!
