Wednesday, May 25, 2016


I thought Doors were an interesting topic for the photography challenge, and I knew right away what I wanted for my picture.


But not just any doors. These doors are special. I have gone through them so many times over the years. In to help in the library, in to volunteer in the classes, in to drop off a forgotten lunch, in to pick up a sick kid, in to watch a presentation, in to do baggie books, in to be a guest reader, in to watch countless programs.

And this week, I will probably be going in for one of the last times. One of my kids is graduating from Elementary and moving on, but my other three are switching schools. So this particular Elementary and these particular doors that we have gone through for eight years will be in our past.

I am so sad. It is the end of an era. There are many good things in front of us, but I will look on these doors with fondness forever.


1 comment:

  1. Schools leave us with a lot of nostalgia. When we go down to California, Dad often wants to visit his old schools. Funny - I haven't had that desire - although we do still visit UP Elementary for their library sales.
