Monday, June 20, 2016

April Photos Lead to May Photos (it rhymes)


I need to purge pictures off of my phone. Great day for all of you. Random photo posts are the bomb! And you get inside my mind a little and see I bother to take pictures of when I deign to pick up my, phone. The phone camera is not my favorite, BUT I tend to have my phone with me all the time. That is pretty convenient for a photo op. And so I have stopped caring whether the picture is taken with the nice camera or the phone. Usually I'm just glad the picture was taken period.

This first picture was taken back in March. Oops. Jenaca came to visit. Now that she lives in Oregon, if she visits, I'm going to make an appearance. I think I was hosting the neighborhood book group that night, but I cut out early (not the most hostessy thing to do) and arrived to spend a lovely evening with these ladies. Such fantastic ladies.

Mary Anne, Maleen, Trisha, Jenaca

Some of my pictures are requests from the kids. They also know that I have my phone with me all the time, so if they see something interesting, I hear, "Mom, take a picture." This day, Pearl and I were walking to the bus. I love a rocket trail in the sky as much as she does.

Moxy still loves sunning herself in any patch of sunlight she can find.

Here is Ivory and Jane. They both got into the A.L.L. program and they are excited to start in the Fall. I don't think they have ever been in the same class, so it should be fun for them.

Oh yes, I chopped my hair. It was time.

Lunch bags. I haven't had to do any of those for a while now.

As usual, I got a flower for Mother's Day. (Ivory made this cute container.) It is not alive anymore. Also usual.

June and I watched all the Hobbit movies together and then all of the Lord of the Rings. When she needed a new journal, I tried to talk her into this one. :)

I happened to be in the library the last day Ivory's class came through. They do Karaoke on the last day since they can't check out books.

Sunday Selfie.

Daisy's teacher, Miss Thomas got married the last month of school. We attended her reception. She looked so lovely.

We had a good time. It is weird to think that someday it will be weddings for all of these chicklets.

Pearl and Mom Selfie.

June and I went to Sleeping Beauty Jr. for our date in May.

She thought the Prince was really funny. He had a slow motion scene that was quite hilarious.

One stormy night, Robyn and I went to read out on the roof. Sadly, the trees blocked our view of all the good lightning, so we eventually went inside.

When Robyn turned 12, she was interviewed by our Bishop for her limited temple recommend and her graduation from Primary. We had to wait a while in the hallway for our turn. Guess you can't guess what we did with that extra time?

I think the Bishopric members were very patient to let Robyn take pictures of them as well.

Love my color changing roses.

Ivory's teacher (who took the last month of school off for health reasons) came back one day to make these Whirlpool-in-a-bottle crafts. Ivory had a lot of fun with this contraption.

Token hair. It is all the rage.

And lastly, these two. Pearl loves Moxy. Moxy loves to lick Pearl. Moxy will always be Robyn's dog, but Pearl is a close runner up.

Whew. That is a lot of random photos regurgitated out there. Feels good to clean out the innards. Until the next time....


  1. PLEASE tell me you know the name of your rosebush?! We had one growing up but I don't know what kind it is and I'm dying to have it in my yard.

  2. I guess I should be taking more pictures myself - it is such fun to see such random shots. Someday you will have to teach me how to do those postage stamps overlays. Really funny!
