Friday, July 8, 2016

CA EX - The Epic BBQ

It is great to wake up and know you don't have to drive for 12+ hours. I tried to sneak a picture of the girls sleeping in, but the flash disturbed June before I even got the shot.

Friday was a day to relax and get ready for the BBQ in the evening. Tim and Jim were coming up from San Francisco. We haven't seen them for quite a while. I think it has been five years since we all got together here in Santa Rosa. They look just the same and are still their amazing, congenial selves.

In the morning we shopped for groceries so we could prep slowly and get all ready for the relaxing evening. The older kids are always ready to rope you into a game. I believe Scotch Bridge was played right away (without me) and Tyler won.(Although he lost earlier to Jeannie in Buckum.) The younger kids do a pretty good job entertaining themselves. It helps that there are many devices wandering around. You can find the kids watching Ethan or borrowing his phone.

Or they have taken off with one of Erin's ipads. She sure is nice to share with everyone. I like how Daisy is taking advantage of the beautiful weather while partaking of screen time.

Jim is my great uncle. He is Grandma Pat's younger brother. I sure do miss Grandma Pat, but it is great to see Jim and I love that my kids get to see their great-great uncle.

Always a delight to see Tim as well. He is the epitome of happiness and cheer.

Can't forget Henry Muffin. We met him last time we visited, but he was much loved this trip, especially by Robyn and Pearl. (Well, all the kids really. I would often see the kids chasing Henry around trying to get him to give up a ball, just so they could throw it and start the whole process again.)

Erin is doing well. I can understand when she says the family's names. She says 'Tyler' the most because he is still her favorite (don't blame her) but she can voice all of us.

She is always ready to give a hug and wants to be with us wherever we go. She has such a positive attitude, it is contagious. She can always get you laughing.

Ethan is just awesome sauce. He is fantastic with all the kids and is super patient with all the attentions lavished on him from all sides.

The weather was perfect and it was so nice to sit and chat.

That of course led to some random pictures being taken. (Naturally.)

Ethan, June and I made some pastries earlier. We had to hide them so they wouldn't be eaten early and spoil everyone's appetite.

And you'd better believe that you wanted a good appetite for what Tim Kelly was cooking up. He made Tri-tip and I can honestly say that it was some of the best meat I have EVER had. The seasoning was perfect and it was cooked just right. Tim has been reading up on BBQing and I would say he has perfected his style. Here he is chatting with Tyler about the right methods. Always good to compare notes.

After we were delightfully stuffed, Ivory put on a show for us. She got out a range of instruments and used each in a unique rhythm. (Hey Jeannie, we did get a picture of you.)

Ivory's show even included some cheer moves and some ribbon dancing, although I was worried Ivory would strangle herself with the ribbon. Erin was digging the show.

We ended the evening with more pastries than you can shake a stick at and a rousing game of Guesstures. It is always great to be with family. Thanks Tim and Jim for coming to see us. One of these days we are going to come crash San Fran. Actually, we want a personal tour of your favorite places. That would be a trip to remember.

1 comment:

  1. Makes me sad that I wasn't there to join in the festivities. Looks like you all had a great time.
