Friday, September 9, 2016

Baptism: Sweet and Clean

Baptism day is a very special day. Sometimes it can be a bit crazy. There is food to think of, and family to enjoy. There are the small details that can get lost in the hubbub. (I think we forgot some sparkly stick-on earrings for after the baptism, but that is minor.) But it is a glorious day, made wonderful by the fact that a precious daughter of God has chosen to become a member of His church and to dedicate her life to striving to fulfill her covenants and return to her Father. I'm glad this girl is Daisy.

I wish I had spent more time documenting the day. To tell you the truth, it was a such a great day that I forgot the camera most of the time while I was at home. In the morning, we went to work making dozens of those to-die-for pastries. I got everyone started, but Granny V and June finished them all off. I never got a picture and they disappeared after the baptism, so you'll just have to trust me that they looked and tasted fabulous as always.

In the afternoon, the 'K' Cazier's arrived. We already had Dargan's visiting (who stayed with us for the week) and Granny V had come down earlier. The 'J' Cazier's had a conflict with a family reunion, so they sent very cute cards they had made for Daisy,  but we missed them in person. That rounds out our crew. Not too many of us, but I love all our family. Daisy was very excited about wearing her jumpsuit. I had a countdown for when she could get into it, since I didn't want her wearing it all day. But eventually, she was in it and it was time to go.

Pictures in front of the church are a must.

I tried to take a few candid shots before we began. I love how in each picture there is one person who spotted me. Is it just me, or are they all making the same face?

Daisy chose her program. June and Robyn did a musical number together. It was really beautiful. June played violin and Robyn did a piano accompaniment. I'm so proud they  have been able to take their musical abilities to this level. Vicki give a scripture and Kaysen gave the first talk. Instead of being on baptism (which is traditional), he spoke about 'The Next Big Thing'. I liked his analogy of a dot-to-dot puzzle, and how we sometimes get caught up going from dot to dot that we miss the big picture. It was a great talk. That boy is going to be a stellar missionary.

Then Daisy was baptized. I took a picture of her dress in the changing room. It was a very quiet day for baptisms. I'm not sure if there were any others scheduled that day. But I didn't mind a day focused all on my Daisy Cakes. (Special thanks to Drew Pierce who stood as a witness for us.)

Grandma Dargan gave a lovely lesson on the Holy Ghost. She is very talented at talking right to you. It is great to think that so many of my kids now have the constant companionship of the spirit as they make good choices.

The confirmation was a little emotional. Tyler traditionally only invites family members to the circle. Grandpa Dargan and J.R. were unable to attend, and with Barry watching from the other side, it was a 'circle' of two, with Tyler and Kolby. It was a tough moment for Vicki and many of us, as Barry's absence was felt. But I know he is proud of Daisy and understands better than any of us the promises made to her.

Afterward, I wanted to get a few pictures of Daisy with friends and family who attended. It turns out that I followed her around as she gave out hugs and these ended up being perfect. Daisy is such a loving child. And it was great to see the people who came to support her. What a wonderful day!

We sure love Rubia. And we had to get a picture of her with Ivory, because they practically wore the same dress.

Sadly, I didn't get a lot of family photos. I figured I would take more back at the house, but instead I just enjoyed all the food, family, and friends. It wasn't until much later that I remembered to take even a couple pictures of decorations. But that doesn't make the day less sweet. Daisy is a beautiful girl! We are blessed to have her in our family. Four kids down, one to go. And Pearl's baptism will be here before you know it.

1 comment:

  1. I am so grateful I was able to be a part of this special day. I'm glad Miranda and Tim could be there too. What a sweet and special family you have.
