Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Thankful Turkey

I will be the first to admit that there wasn't a lot of ceremony surrounding the Thankful Turkey this year. Since we split the family for feasting day, we barely had time to make the turkey and do the feathers before June and I were out the door. But we did get it done. A decade of turkeys since we started in 2006. Impressive.

I put the turkeys up around the girls this year. Seemed like the turkeys would fit in with the monkeys.

The girls would read off feathers and people would guess who wrote them. Some were very obvious, while others were kind of tricky.

It was Robyn's year to make the new turkey and once again, I left it all up to her. She got her creative juices flowing and we ended up with a Dodo disguised as a turkey. Clever Robyn.

There wasn't a lot of room on the feathers so we had to write small. I wrote a limerick on mine:

My man, five cute girls, and dyed hair
To know that life just isn't fair
For all I give thanks
Why...even for Spanx
But mostly because I'm Cazier!!

I'm proud of Robyn and her fun turkey. It is another perfect memory to go on our wall.

1 comment:

  1. Okay - how could you have a decade of turkeys if you started in 2016? Either your math is way off, or you made a mistake. Great turkeys, though.
