Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Crafts and Cookies

Merry Christmas to you all! I hope you have been having a lovely holiday. I am thrilled to be sitting at home with nothing major on my to-do list right now except blog, put away Christmas, and try not to eat too much fudge. (I can probably accomplish at least two of those.)

My January posts are usually full of Christmas and I believe these posts will lead into the new year, but I'm going to see how many festivities I can squish in here before the ball drops.

I asked everyone for one thing that would make their Christmastime complete. One of the kids requested Christmas sugar cookies. That seemed doable and perfect since I wanted to carol and we usually do goodie plates including cookies, toffee, and fudge.

Even better, Kathryn and Hinckley were in town for physical therapy and they wanted to come by and craft. Kathryn brought a food craft as well. She finds the most interesting things on Pinterest and we are more than happy to try them. Can you tell what we made?

Kathryn made me laugh so hard when she made this picture. I think this is how most of us feel when we try to duplicate something on Pinterest.

Kathryn also brought pine cones and an assortment of supplies and plenty of ideas to go with it all. The girls went to town. Everyone made such fun things. I'm glad I didn't get in the way of their creativity.

Daisy even made her own design for Hinckley.

Here are most of the things they made.

And some elves June made.

It was so fun to hang out with Kathryn and Hinckley. We just don't see them enough. I got some bonus time shopping with Kathryn later in the month. I love her! She is one of my favorite people in the world.

I was making cookies while everyone was crafting. I made sure to send Kathryn with a few before she left.

Then it was time for the girls to take over. I was worried they would be out of creative juices by this point, but I think they did a great job.

The recipe I used this year was a little strange. It ended up with kind of crumbly dough that I had to knead by hand a bit to get it to stick together, but the cookies turned out perfectly. Certainly better than last year.

It was by far one of our best Saturdays during the season. We even did a White Elephant Bingo party that evening...but that is another post.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe I should send you the recipe for my owl cookies and see if the girls can improve upon it. Dad used to say that they were as hard as rocks and would puncture holes in tires if you ran over them!
