Saturday, December 31, 2016

We All Made the Nice List

We left our heroes as they were careening toward home on fairly clear roads. The hum of Christmas was in the air as carols were belted from the back seat...and the front seat as well. Little did our heroes know that Santa had indeed come to their house while they were away in Idaho. Even without milk and cookies, he left each resident a small gift. It looks like everyone had avoided the naughty list for one more year...

I requested that we leave the thermostat on, so we came home to a comfortable home and could jump right into present opening. Nothing was going to delay these kids. Plus, the stockings were sitting there just begging to be noticed.

I liked the Emoji paper that Santa used this year. H😃, H😁, H😀!

Stockings are usually full of useful items. Everyone seemed to like what they got. Some people had to try out everything at once.

Tyler built our traditional fire. It wouldn't be Christmas without it.

Santa was very generous. Daisy was thrilled with her fancy lipgloss.

Ivory was sure she was going to get a scooter. I don't think she was planning on the helmet.

Pearl's request for a Pokemon movie was answered.

Robyn will be busy with her Extreme Dot to Dot.

One girl never got her request in. So she was surprised with chocolates and a violin necklace. I don't think she minded one bit.

Even Dad was good and got some tech gifts.

My gift from Santa was so interesting that you couldn't get a picture because of the crowds.

I looked all over for what they call mermaid fabric. It is sequins that will flip back and forth so you can make designs in the fabric. I never found what I was looking for, but Santa did. Here is June's design.

Everyone worked hard to get gifts for their people. June and Daisy spent a lot of time sewing a special pillowcase for Pearl.

Robyn, Ivory, and I spent an hour trying to decide on a personal message to put on June's tote bag. We finally settled on Coccinella. Don't know what that means? Neither did June. She had to go look it up.

But she was pleased to find it means 'Ladybug' in Italian. Very fitting for her. Here are some other peeks at our Christmas.

Grandma Dargan sent fun blankets. The girls loved them.

I was inspired and did my own design on the pillow.

It was a really great Christmas, with lots of smiles and thank yous and thoughtful gifts. I have to give two awards this year. We get lots of surprised, excited faces when we take pictures, but this is the best this year.

June opened the sheet music to The Devil Went Down to Georgia. (Can't wait to hear her play that one.)

One final award to the best unwrapping job. With one slice, Robyn knew what was in this one.

Over dinner we all said which gift we thought we would use the most and what we enjoyed most about the season, and almost everyone mentioned getting to go to Idaho and help Grandma. That was probably the best part of Christmas, although I think everyone liked the presents as well.

Merry Christmas to all my blog readers! I hope you have had a wonderful year with your families and enjoying the memories with ours. Here's to a great new year. Are you ready for us 2017??

1 comment:

  1. The girls do seem to be enjoying their mermaid tails. And is that Santa I see behind Robyn in the last picture one of the ones that I put together? Yup, I definitely think that sometime in the future (maybe even this year) some Muddy Balls should make their way down to Utah.
