Friday, January 27, 2017

38 Flavors

And instantly, I'm craving ice cream.

Oh well. I have vanilla in my freezer, but I'm wanting more of a Caramel Cone right now. Heavenly. You can guess what I'm picking up at the store on my next trip.

Don't distract me. I'm trying to get a birthday post on here. You only get older one day a year (unless you count those other 364 days that you technically get older as well). Today is my day to shine and ignore all those wrinkles and white hairs and bask in the glory of living another year. I'm happy to be on this earth and be living my life. It is pretty fantastic.

Plus, I have a phenomenal group of people who love me and remind me all the time. I did get a shower first thing in the morning, but second up was a gaggle of girls with clues and quests for me.

The girls had made a delightful present hunt for me. It included clues to locations and also song riddles. It began thus:

Around the house, your gifts we've hid
To get them, guess the artist or title of the lyric we give.
"Don't be stingy; be prepared to pay."

Any takers on that first song? It is a hard one if you've never heard it.

It comes from Santa Claus is Coming to Town. Listen here. (I'm actually impressed they remember this song. I love that movie.)

Clue 1:

Where the water is blue & the seahorses swim,
Go down to the sea, for the gift is within.
"I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus's garden in the shade."

It took me a minute, but I figured out it was Pearl's room. (She still has a bit of a sea theme from when it was a guest room for half a year.) Down there I found a gift and unwrapped some bling for my kitchen.

 Clue 2:

Paper & glue all mixed together
Make the clouds for birthday weather.
"Crayola doesn't make a color for your eyes."

This led me to our computer lab, which doubles as storage for all things crafty. 

Looks like some more kitchen goodness.

Clue 3:

A bright green sun smiles so bright
For butterflies in a colorful flight.
"We wash our clothes, & we shine our shoes, & we call it the get-the-work-done day."

That was a no brainer. Laundry room, here we come. I scored a pot in that room. I sense a theme. (See the green sun back there?)

Clue 4:

In a flower room lives a flower girl
With her flower walls in her own flower world
"Flower gleam & glow, let your power shine."

(Are you getting all these song references?) Of course I was headed to Daisy's room. She had been holding my bows for me. How kind.

You guessed it. I was given another lovely pan. They are hard to wrap, but the kids did a great job.

Clue 5:

After a hard day, the kids drop their loads
From walking down the streets and roads.
"Run, run, run, jump! I can be your backpack while you run!"

Of course the kids had to include that song. It is their latest obsession. If you haven't seen it, you probably should. (I shouldn't be the only one with the tune stuck in my head all day.) Listen and watch here. But I was led to the coat closet for this cute mini addition. (I've already found great uses for it.)

 Clue 6:

Sadly, I lost this last clue, but I remember the song.
"With a dreamy far off look, and her nose stuck in a book."


These words will take you to another land

Pick up a book and understand.

What would I possibly find in the library?

I'm a pretty lucky momma. I believe we all win in this scenario. I love cooking and I believe my family loves to eat.

Also, with each gift, I found a chapstick. I don't plan on running out anytime soon. (Like my Blue Steel look?)

Love this crew more than words can express. They are my life!

There wasn't much to the day. We had Stake Conference and I got my awesome calling. In the afternoon, June helped me make a cake and we ate it later that night. 

Yep, 38! Rockin it.

Hahaha. Hasn't anyone told June that you can't lick your elbow? Actually, she got it later. That is skilz.

I also put together a birthday luncheon for myself. (On a different day.) Tricia helped me. We have gone out to lunch before, but this time I wanted to enjoy having friends over with no tip at the end. It was a wonderful afternoon.

I meant to take some extra pictures and forgot of course. But here is Deanne and Tricia. People can't asked for better friends.

I'm pretty content with another good year under my belt. Happy Birthday to me!


  1. Hard to believe it's been 38 years since you were born. I'd love to say that I've savored every moment, but I had to admit there were times when you were a real stinker. Luckily, they're all in the past.

  2. You are so young! Congrats on the gorgeous party your girls threw you!

  3. You are so young! Congrats on the gorgeous party your girls threw you!
