Thursday, February 16, 2017

A Growing Shoe Tree

It is time for a January phone dump, but first I'm trying to weed through some photos that need their own post. I figured my Christmas Shoes could hold their own.

The shoe tree is a favorite of mine. Tyler still doesn't understand it. I'm not quite sure even I understand it. There is no symbolism or great meaning. I just like the shoe ornaments and I put them all on their own tree. That's it.

There were 5 new shoes for the tree this year. I got a couple for my birthday in 2016, so they had to wait patiently to make their debut. This adorable running shoe was given to me by Kari. I love it.

Deanne gave me this cute high heel.

This one was picked up in Sacramento while we were on vacation.

This one was an impulse buy when June was picking out our family ornament. (It doesn't take much for me to buy a shoe ornament, but I couldn't resist the glittery red sparkles.)

And of course, the shoe I bought at Disneyland when I went in September. You can guess the character right?

While I'm posting pictures of favorite things, I thought I would add my birthday gifts from my mother and Vicki. Mom got me a crosstitch pattern. It is cute and perfect for working on while I wait for June to catch up on our current project.

Vicki is getting us all pictures of Christ for our birthdays, to put in our rooms. Tyler was up in ID, so he chose one for our room.

I love the story that goes with it.

If you can't read the picture, here is what it says:

The Picture is by Heinrich Hofmann (1824-1911)

Elder David B. Haight of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles came to visit his son and my Mission President, President Robert Haight, who was presiding over the Canada Vancouver Mission.

Visiting with some of the Elders, one of the young men asked Elder Haight which picture of the Savior he liked  best. He reached into his pocket and slowly pulled a picture of the Savior out of his wallet. The small picture with tattered edges was the same picture you see here. Elder Haight said to the missionaries:

"I carry this picture of the Savior with me because it looks the most like him. The Savior was a meek man, and I think this picture most accurately reflects the Savior's meekness and humility."

When President Haight shared this story with me during an interview, immediately my testimony of the Savior was strengthened, and this picture took on a new meaning to me and has become my favorite picture of the Savior as well. When a man who has been called to be a special witness of Jesus Christ points to a picture and says it looks the most like the Savior, it takes on a new meaning.

Douglas M. Taylor (nephew of Mark and Dawn Thompson)

Pretty neat huh? We haven't found the right spot for it yet, but it is in our room currently and I smile every time I see it.

1 comment:

  1. It kinda takes your breath away to realize that the prophet and the apostles have actually met Christ. I think I'm going to have to wait until I die for that privilege. Great picture - although I still love the one in our living room of Christ holding the little boy.
