Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Concert Attire

You can usually expect concerts around Christmas time, and at the end of the year, but I feel it is a bonus if there are performances in between. This January, I got to go listen to bonus concerts from both June and Robyn. Today, I will even include video, which I usually don't.

First up, Robyn. They had this strange BOOM concert. They combined with another Jr. High and played songs conducted by both school's band directors. Here you can see Mrs. Taylor leading the combined group. And you can almost see the top of Robyn's head. Look closely now.

We were sitting pretty far back, so I wasn't holding my  breath for good pictures. Then after a song, Mr. Winters (Ivory's orchestra teacher and the band director at the other Jr. High) told the parents they would play the same song again, but this time parents could stand on stage. You better believe I went up there, since my kid stands in the back.

Here she is with Sam who is in her class. Ahem...if you look to the left, the boy in glasses is the one who has been crushing on Robyn and giving her gifts.

Wait, can she see over that stand?

And now for the music. I figured since I was right up there, I'd better take a video. Some things to look for:

  • Robyn is playing snare. The boy next to her is from the other school. Mr. Winters is a great band director, but I think he is not a percussionist. I don't think there is a separate class for percussionists. This boy seemed to be struggling a bit. He tends to watch Robyn out of the corner of his eye to keep up. 
  • I like watching Robyn count while she plays.
  • I pan through the band during the video because I think it is fun to see all the parents on stage. You can see Mr. Winters for a moment.

It was a fun fast concert.

Next up June. June was recommended for Honor Orchestra. Kids from all over the district were chosen and sent music. They practiced on their own and then came together on a Friday for rehearsal and then the next Saturday for a concert. We had never done this before, and if I could recommend anything, it is BE ON TIME. We arrived three minutes late and missed the first number. Guess they jump right in.

Can you see June up there? She is three rows to the right on the conductor. I would have circled her, but Photoshop is out of commission.

Here is a nice blurry picture of her with her long hair and boots. She got to be stand partners with Brooke, which is nice because they knew each other.

Now for the video. It is fun to hear all these talented kids. I believe this was song was a Sword Dance. There is some discord in the music, but that is intended to symbolize the battle.

Love all these girls. They all love playing. What a great group. Left to Right: Brooke, Holly, June, Lauren, and Hannah.

Music is such a great addition to life.


  1. I must say I wish my speakers were hooked in. I could only watch the rhythm and pretend there was music. How great that you have such musical talent in your family!

  2. Tim finally got my speakers hooked up and I was able to listen to both the videos. Beautiful! I am so very grateful that the Lord put music into our lives.
