Monday, August 14, 2017

Get With the Program

Let's go back in time for a moment to May. I'm sorry to say that May is not my favorite month. (Even with Mother's Day thrown in.) It is the last month of school and everything is so crazy and there are a million programs to attend.

You may think I don't like programs. You may be partly right.

I like seeing my kids do well and I do enjoy a good concert, but sometimes I think it is overkill. That said, let's look at a few highlights.

Pearl had her first grade program. This stems from a teacher in first grade who really likes programs. That is good because there are fun songs that I have never heard before. And bad's another program. They had several this school year.

Pearl looked like a little waif child up there. She never brushes her hair or lets anyone else do it. (That is going to change this year if I have anything to say about it.) But luckily she was in the 'pajama' group, so I figured unbrushed hair would look just right.

They really were cute up there. And I did enjoy the songs.

Pearl loved singing them. She knew all the actions and would sing some around the house. I do think music is a great part of school. I'm just hoping for less programs in Second grade.

After, we went to her class and she gave me a cute gift. Love my little Pearly Pea.

Now to another program...the choir performance. Choir performances are usually pretty fun. Robyn opted out of Spanish half way through the year and took Girls' Choir instead. They call it Madrigals. She seemed to like it okay, but she isn't taking it again, so that says something. The end of the year choir performance was pretty good except, as usual, the mikes were awful. You could hear the group numbers simply from the sheer number of voices combined, but whenever there was a solo singer, the background music would drown out the voice, or you could tell they were singing, but couldn't make out any of the words. I wish the school would invest in a new sound system. I naturally only had eyes for my cute Robyn in the front. Here are some pictures from the performance.

 Next up...Ivory. This is probably the saddest program of the year because I didn't get to hear any of it. Pearl had a meltdown moment and I spent the entire concert in the hallway, then car, with her. Bummer. But my kids took pictures and I grabbed one from Tyler's phone, so there is still documentation of Ivory's cello awesomeness.

Oh, I lie. I forgot about June's end of year orchestra concert. That was even more sad than Ivory's. June was sick and she didn't get to go. Tyler went and recorded it so June could watch it later at home. There are few things as sad as seeing your daughter sick on the couch watching a performance she practiced so hard for and miming the fingerings while playing along on her invisible violin. Breaks your heart.

Here is the orchestra, but don't look too hard for June. :(

This isn't all the end of year concerts and programs, but it is all you get today.

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