Saturday, August 12, 2017



Welcome back. (I'm really talking to myself here.)

The adventures the last few weeks have been non-stop. I have barely had time to breathe and it has all been amazing. That is great because it gives me a lot to blog about and not great may have noticed how behind I am.

So, I'm sorry for my tardiness, but not sorry for having so much fun.

At this point it is just daunting trying to decide where to start or what to focus on. There is so much. So today, I'm going to wrap up April. You know, that month way back there, when kids were still in school, parents were cruising, and we only had an inkling of what summer might hold. It will be nice to check off a month and not have to worry about anything before May. (Baby steps.)

I have to preface this though. Moxy passed away in July. Seeing pictures of her makes my heart hurt. She was such a good dog. She'll get her own post of course, but it felt weird to put pictures on here and not mention that she is no longer with us.

Back in April, she had a run in with a cat. Moxy wasn't at fault at all. She wasn't even provoking the cat, but it went to town on her. Robyn raced in and took a couple of scratches to rescue her dog. Moxy was okay, but she did have a wicked scratch in her ear.

Dishes are broken around this house with a fair frequency. I don't feel like my kids are any clumsier than others. It just happens. This time around, we lost a bowl that Tyler and I bought when we were newly married. I remember shopping with him and picking out this silly bowl. I was sad to see her go. She has carried more cereal and soup than I can count.

April still has come cold snaps. One sunny morning, our chain froze over with ice. It looked so cool, I had to get a couple shots.

Robyn finally was student of the month. We had a moment a few weeks earlier when we got all excited, but turns out there was another seventh grader with the name R. Caza. But this time it was officially Robyn. Yay!!

Got this silly picture of Daisy during her no teeth phase. I'm not sure how she bit into anything for months.

Here is Ives sporting the tattoo mustache. It looks fuller than her Dad's.

Granny V was with us for much of April because of the cruise and Tyler's ankle surgery. Pip was a staple around the house, but she was teaching Moxy bad habits. I caught them both sitting on the couch one day. Pip didn't know better, but my sneaky Moxy was always finding an excuse to crawl up there.

Pip was punished for her bad influence by simply being the 'new' dog. The kids loved to dress her up and tote her around. One such example can be seen here.

We changed our window in March. I think we might have washed it off on St. Patrick's Day. Robyn was kind to share the window and let the kids paint tulips with her.

Tyler came to check out my chiropractic adventures. I've been going since March. I'm trying to fix my spine after some damage done in college. It is a slow process, but I feel like I am making progress. Tyler came and took pictures of me since there isn't much I can do about it when I'm in traction. Not much to do except stare at the ceiling.

One more of Robyn with the dogs. Looks like a nice lazy Sunday.

I think my Sundays won't be too lazy for a while. I should probably be organizing pictures. Here's to more frequent blog posts. Just enjoy them as they come. I shouldn't make any promises, because I never realized how busy it is with teenagers and multiple children in activities. Plus, I'm already back at work making copies for the start of school. Life isn't chill in the least, but I really have few complaints. I love my organized chaos!

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