Sunday, September 10, 2017

I'm With Him @ Lagoon

While Ethan was kicking it with us, we knew we wanted to take him to Lagoon. The kids only get to go every so often. (Although the older ones had been recently for a school trip, but I haven't blogged about that yet.) We figured that Ethan might like some male company on the trip since Tyler wasn't able to get off work, so we invited the twins. Since they had to pay for their own ticket, only Radi opted to come. (I get it Eli, Lagoon is pricey.)

We packed up bright and early on Friday morning. (No more school for June.) It has been long enough now that I can't remember the order we went on rides or how it all worked, so you are going to get highlights. (With the occasional picture.) Here goes:

* The cooler was so heavy. Ethan and Radi carried it in, but it took them a few stops. I could barely lift it myself. Good thing we brought big strong guys.

* We all wore our cool shirts. Radi borrowed Tyler's, so he fit right in.

* I think we went on Spider first. That is a favorite for everyone. Although one time we went on it, I got a spinny car. I don't like spinning rides and it almost ruined it for me. Yuck.

* I would say Cliffhanger is the MOST broken down ride at Lagoon. Most of the time it isn't running. The second time we walked by, it was working, so some of us decided to go on it. We got soaked. Water poured down our faces as we hung upside down. It was so fun and crazy wet. I believe Robyn, Ivory, Daisy, and I went on it.

* Radi screamed on almost everything. It was hilarious.

* Cannibal was a huge favorite, but Daisy changed her mind about wanting to go once we were at the top of the tower. (Too late.) She started crying and I felt awful, but there was nothing we could do. She cried the entire ride and when it ended, she said she wanted to go again. (No tears in future trips.)

* We all really enjoyed the Rocket. Pearl was too short, technically, to go on it. But after a while, I decided if we walked on like she was tall enough, they would let her on. (She was only an inch short and on one sign, it said she was the right height.) Worked like a charm. So we all rode after that.

* We went on the sky ride several times. We just mixed up who went with who. Here are some shots.

* There is a roof that has a ton of hair ties on it. Weird, but cool.

* Our snacks were delicious. My favorite were the turkey and cheese crepes. I'll have to remember those for next time.

* There were samples of some really killer chocolate milk. Oddly, Radi tried the Strawberry milk, although supposedly Chocolate milk is his favorite. They were both really good. (Maybe he got Strawberry because Ethan did?)

* Radi stuffed his cheeks with grapes. He was trying to see how many he could fit in there. I think he got to 27. When he reached his limit, he spit out the grapes along with a ton of saliva. It was pretty gross, but not nearly as nasty as Ethan reaching over and eating one of the grapes. He said it tasted better than the other ones. (I'll just have to trust you on that one.)

* The kids liked the coasters. We didn't do a lot of rides. Just the best ones. Daisy, Ethan, June, and I finally went on The River Rapids. Ethan was determined not to get wet. June and I thought we could avoid the waterfalls as well. But when we headed under, Ethan was headed toward the falls and the boat bumped the wall and turned at a weird angle, putting the two of us right under the spray, soaking us instead of Ethan.

* One time on Rocket, Radi decided at the last minute to take off his watch. He tried to throw it into the black bins, but missed and threw it in 'No Man's Land' behind the fence. When they got off the ride, everyone tried to get the watch, but Ethan was smart enough to ask an attendant to unlock the gate. The ride attendant thought Radi had dropped his watch from up above, so he thought it would be toast, but Radi's watch was just fine.

* Ivory saw Kiki, her former gymnastics coach, when they were on Cannibal.

* We spent some time in Lagoon A Beach. It was really fun. We went on the waterfall ride over and over and tried to pass each other in the pools. Later we stood in line a REALLY long time to go on a different water slide. Not worth it.

* Ivory lost her glasses in the lazy river. We looked and looked and couldn't find them. At the end of the evening, we picked them up in Lost and Found. They were new glasses, so I was really happy we got them back.

* There are signs on Colossus that say not to raise your arms. Radi spent most of one ride yelling at the guy in front of him to put his arms down so he wouldn't break them on the ride. I'm sad I missed that one.

* We went on Cannibal one final time in the evening. This picture was taken at night. We stayed up until the end.

 * Love this picture of everyone putting their shirt up to their eyes.

* We were going to get ice cream in the park, but I decided 50 cent cones from Wendy's would be cheaper. It was so late that hardly anyone finished their cone. They all passed them up to Ethan and he ate maybe five or more. Ethan was supposed to stay awake to keep me company,  but everyone conked out. It was such a great day of fun. I think Radi was still awake when I took this picture, but Robyn sure wasn't.

 * This was one of our most fun trips to Lagoon. It was great that the kids were tall enough to go on rides. It was great that Ethan was there with us. It was great that Radi came as well. At one point Robyn quoted a line from Swan Princess, "The children seem to get along quite nicely." I had to agree. Ethan and Radi were fast friends already. Thinking of this day makes me smile.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've ever been to the Lagoon. I'm guessing the rides would be too extreme for me. That spider certainly looks scary. Seems like you all had a great time, and that is what counts - even if you did get soaked.
