Friday, March 9, 2018

Staying Current

Wow, I'm surprised with how many posts I already need to do for this year. Perhaps this is why I fell behind in the first place. I always think there is less to document than there really is. Plus. keeping up with my other journal...phew. This is my favorite 'journal'. I am so proud of the many years I have kept up with all the stuff we have been doing; over a decade of blog books and funny memories. I am amazing.

Now that I have given myself a nice pat on the back, let's see what today holds for us. I think I need to do more current events for a while. Those posts from back in November aren't going anywhere. They will find their way on here eventually. And who doesn't want to read about Christmas in the middle of July? It will help everyone chill out.

Today is a nice short post. The kids had some of their art submitted to the District Office. I am still unclear about how this works. I have finally decided that Mrs. Hunter chose some of the students that she thinks excel and put their art work in. It seemed a little random what she chose though. They asked her for pieces at the beginning of the year, so the kids hadn't done much. Robyn's grade had just finished the silhouettes, so she submitted that one for Robyn. And June's grade had just worked on montage, so that is the piece that went in for June. However, some students had pieces from last year submitted. I don't know why she chose different styles? You never can tell with art teachers, but it was fun that she chose something from both June and Robyn.

So we dutifully went to the recognition night. It was super weird. It was actually a school board meeting and we were invited to the first part. They recognized art from each school and had all the kids stand up for a picture. But the entire school board was in the picture as well. I think that is strange. Can you find both my kids?

Then they all had to line up and shake hands with everyone in the school board. It was like this weird ritual and they did it with each school. I couldn't tell if they genuinely wanted to thank each student, or if they wanted the students to think it was cool to shake their hands.

We didn't stay for all the recognition, although I think we were supposed to. We stayed for all the art ones, but when they invited the wrestlers up, we took off. Although I wish I had stayed and taken a picture. The wrestling team that came up had dyed their hair to look the same. They were all bleach blond. They looked like a strange Aryan Dystopian group. I could see them all being in a movie.

Instead we went to check out the art that was on display in the district building. We found Robyn's first.

And then June's. (June doesn't even like this piece very much. She didn't enjoy the montage assignment, although I love her tree with the changing seasons and her caterpillar changing to a butterfly.)

I had to take a picture of Sophie's piece. This was from last year. They did it after the art show, so it will be in this year's display. I think it is amazing and I can pick out several people since I know a lot of her school mates.

It was a strange evening, but I agree that I think my kids are awesome and I love their art.

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