Tuesday, May 22, 2018

High Adventure

I'll be the first to admit that the boys usually get to do more fun activities than the girls. Scouts go on camp outs multiple times a year. The young women go to camp...which is not quite the same. I'm not really complaining there because I'm not a huge camper and I'm happy to have a shower if it is available, but it seems it doesn't end there. The guys go shooting, paintballing, flying, rafting, etc. and the girls make cookies. Okay, I admit, that isn't all we do.

We also make brownies.

The girls are supposed to do some high adventure activities. I don't remember these happening all that often, especially when I was a youth. And usually the activities were for the older girls. June has finally reached an 'older girl' status, so when there was the opportunity to do some rappelling, we were all excited.

Jolene is our stake leader over hikes and high adventure. She does a good job organizing things. In past years, the girls have gone to Battle Creek, which is a rappel next to a waterfall. Very cool, but also wet. I hear the guy who belays at the bottom is soaked by the end. This year, she chose Red Ledges. I had never been there, although I have passed by it before. It is right off the road, so easy for girls who might complain about a long hike. (Yes, I know that part of the reason we do less activities is because girls can be whiny.)

We had a good group of girls turn out, especially since it was a busy day. I have to give all my photo credit to Michelle Willis. She comes along with her awesome camera and takes amazing shots. In this case, it allowed me to enjoy the activity and not worry about having my phone in my hand the whole time, which is not good when you are trying to rappel.

I work with some amazing women.

There was a little bit of a scramble to get up to the rappel. I love that Jayden is hanging out in an alcove here. These rocks are amazing here in Utah. Such beauty. God is the best artist.

Rappelling is a great activity. Some of these girls have never done this before. It helps them face some fears and apprehension in a safe environment. With the right equipment and instructors, the risk is very low, although it is rappelling...there is always risk. It was great to watch the girls who had never been before, tackle the rocks and rope.

Here is June. This isn't her first time. She knows the drill.

One rappel was a straight wall, where you can use your feet all the way down. The other had a bit of an overhang. You had to maneuver yourself a little bit to get down.

Not sure if you saw him in the group photo, but guess who I brought along? Stallion alert.

He helped belay on the bottom and looked fantastic doing it.

It is interesting to see the different skill levels. People who are very confident in their bodies are still a little unsure when you ask them to walk over the edge of a cliff. This girl is a ballroom dancer and pretty great at it. But she still took a few deep breaths before inching her way over these rocks.

Some people have the feel for it already. Here is Jolene bounding down the wall. There were only a few girls who bounced on their first try, but there were several who felt more comfortable on their second trip.

I enjoyed my trip down. I only went once to allow the girls more time, but I remembered a lot from my last trip.

June tried the wall on her second trip. She wanted to bound down, but she didn't seem to have enough weight. Even when she would move her break hand out to the side and give a good jump, she would remain at the same place on the wall. It was almost comical to watch. She just needed a little less friction so she could slide a bit easier.

It was a fun day and great to see these girls doing a fun activity.

It looks farther up when you use my camera... (my only shot of the day)

This is a beautiful shot of Jolene. Nature, I do like you, especially when I can breathe.

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