Monday, May 28, 2018

Racing Snails

We sure love snails around our house. Big, small, we take them all. In fact, we found the smallest baby snail ever. These pictures don't even do it justice, but he (she?) was the cutest.

The snails are all over the place after a good rain. I found one at the top of the screen door.

One day, I was quite busy and was trying to get everyone out the door. Pearl came and said she had seen eight or nine snails in the yard. She wanted me to come see them. I did not have time to spy out so many snails, but Pearl was quite insistent. And when we walked outside she told me they were all in one place. In one place? Snails don't usually congregate... But look what I found.

Apparently the snails were having a race. Towards a bush. (I'm pretty sure Pearl just put them down like that, but it was so funny because they were all trucking in the same direction. Well, as much as snails can truck.)

I wonder if Pearl put the one snail down with the leaves? I did feel sorry for him. He was already in last place and he had an obstacle.

Check out these two guys. They were almost neck and neck. I'm not sure how aware snails are of each other. But I'm pretty sure these two are in a fight to the finish.

In fact, when the little one got in the way, he was trampled like some many pearls before swine.

One finally got to the bushes. I'm not sure if he was happy with his finish line, but we declared him the winner. 

And yes, I was late to my next appointment, but it was totally worth it. Thanks Pearl. Our next thrilling adventure will be watching paint dry. Don't miss it...

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