Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Adios Mayo

Sure, it is July and I might be a little behind, but nothing too bad. Nothing a little me-time can't clear up. Although I don't really get a lot of me-time. A girl can dream though. My family may want to leave and go camping for a week and I'll insist that someone needs to stay home to flush the toilets and check the mail, and I would sit and blog to my heart's content. Like I said...dreams. Nothing fancy.

May was such a beast last year because I fell behind and didn't catch up until later, so I'm happy to say that I was on top of May for most of the month. So I may be wading up to my shoulders in blog posts to be written, but I'm not drowning yet.

Let's go back and look at the tidbits of May. All those minor details that inspired the camera to come out even though they may not warrant a whole post of attention.

We have some lilac trees on the side of the house. Sometimes I don't even see them bloom since I am not outdoors all that much and certainly not on the side of the house, but with a new A/C unit that went in, I was over there and took a picture to enjoy the beauty.

I found the family hanging out on the roof one day. If you notice, June is enjoying time up there, but still studying her heart out for the AP Biology test. (She got her score back today - a 4!)

Our dryer broke...again. I can't really talk about how awful it is to replace the dryer every YEAR right after the warranty expires. This time, we just bought a cheaper machine with a huge warranty. Why can't things last? But this picture is really about Robyn's hair. I'm not sure how her bun is that big, but it is epic.

Pearl got her hair cut. It took me a long time to convince her, but it looks so cute on her. You can't really tell here...she is still a little drowned rat, but when it is dry, it is very fetching.

Only three sleeping pictures this month. What is this world coming to?

Robyn got ahold of Pip and braided her tail. I'm not sure Pip noticed, but it is hard to tell...she always makes that face.

Daisy and I went on a date. We shopped at the mall and went out for ice cream. A girl after my own heart.

Daisy's grade did a mountain man day where they played a whole bunch of games and traded items at the park. I came and did a station where they played flag tag. It was really fun and I played with every group. I was a little worn out after nine groups but it was worth it. Daisy exchanged soda which went over well. This was Daisy's favorite item that she exchanged for.

Ivory had her last orchestra concert. It might be the last ever since she isn't planning on taking orchestra next year. She is going to do choir and percussion instead. She doesn't have room for three music classes.

I bought a wig for a certain future event, but everyone tried it on for fun. Tyler looked the best by far. Does he remind you of anyone? Napoleon Dynamite maybe?

Still love this little nest that Radi found in the tree. The eggs hatched and we saw the baby birds later all squished inside. It is special to watch nature at work.

Pip...such an easy dog to love and hate at the same time. She is the best snuggler and the kids adore her, but she still pees on the carpet when she is too lazy to go outside. I'm counting down to Grandma taking her again, but I will miss her.

We were talking about how people can't lick their own elbow. Then we talked about armpits. Did you know that Pearl can lick her armpit? (Actually, I think most people can lick their armpit...they just choose not to.)

Roses in season again. These color changing roses are my favorite.

Towel head alert. Sometimes you need to play on the computer so much you don't have time to take the towel off.

I tried something new on June's hair. I'm not even sure what it is, but I love that she will let me experiment on her.

 Mr. Glassford at our school was nominated for teacher of the year. He is seriously amazing and deserves it more than any teacher I know. I saw a picture of him in the hallway and look who is in the picture with him...

We went over to the neighbors for a BBQ. It was the Pacanos, Dutson, and Cazier families. I love their hammocks. Can you see little heads sticking out? They would wrap themselves in and hang upside down.

I went on a date with Pearl too, since I was behind. We got our nails done. It was so fun, although at Chelsea's house it was super cold, so Pearl was a popsicle by the time we were done. But such a good result.

Sister Cazier, who currently resides in Minnesota saw some storms roll through her area. She saw some Shelf Clouds come through. They look apocalyptic, but they are pretty harmless. But they do look like something disastrous is imminent.

And to end the month of May, here are the recycling dumpsters that Ivory helped paint at school. They did a service project to make them look nice. I think that is a great idea and they turned out very cute. I barely grabbed these pictures before the rain began and I hauled Ivory out of there.

May was a good, busy month. In general May is not my favorite since the end of school can get a bit hectic. This year we added in play practice as well, so it was a little over the top, but I still look back at this month with fondness. Thanks May. See you again next year.

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