Saturday, July 21, 2018

Daisy's 10 Year Gallery

It hasn't even been a week since Cakes birthday and here I am with birthday pictures. I'm feeling very proud of myself. She chose a location we had been before, but she liked it there so she requested the same area. She was seven then. Now she is ten!

Three years later, not too much has changed. She has more fire to her personality, but I think that is from dealing with her sisters. She still likes Mint ice cream at Culver's as you'll see at the bottom. She has managed to grow in some bigger teeth, although that took a while.

I would say that Daisy is growing in the right direction...only up. She is a fun kid to hang out with. She is still super curious about almost anything. She still has to open and touch and explore, but she doesn't destroy too often. She loves reading and playing the piano and she is getting quite good. I' m so happy to be her mom and watch her become a young lady. Enjoy these photos.

Daisy likes to make very silly faces. It is amazing I got any normal ones today. But her funny faces make me laugh.

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