Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Lakeside and Quilting

Camp was arranged a little differently this year. Wards had to share cook stations which was doable but a little tricky. So we decided that as a Stake, we would provide breakfast each morning. That way wards didn't have to wake up early and share cooking first thing. Elayne was our gal in charge of breakfast. She planned the meals and estimated food. She was amazing. She had everything organized so well and all we had to do was get up early and help out. It was nice because there is a huge kitchen up at Heber. Plenty of room for many hands. We got up with her on Tuesday and we made a boatload of French Toast with strawberries and whipped cream. Yum.

The brethren were getting everything ready out here.

Breakfast went very well. The smartest thing we did was stack trash on the way out. We had a bin for plates, silverware and cups. As we stacked, we saved a ton of garbage space. The missionaries up there told us that what could have been ten bags of garbage would now only be one. It was great.

In the morning, we were assigned to the Lake. The water was so pretty, if not very clean. There is just a lot of algae in it. It doesn't look extremely gross but you wouldn't want to go swimming in there.

Danja wanted to be in my boat because we planned on soaking everyone, which meant we would get soaked too. At the last minute Rebecca asked to join us. She had a camera, so we warned her up front of our intentions, but she had a plastic bag and was willing to risk it.

We had so much fun. We went and splashed a lot. We got Abby and June. We got Robyn and Sariah. We got Kelsie and Ivory. So fun. There are no rules against splashing so it was big free for all.

The best were the paddle boats because they had no oars and no way to defend themselves. Sometimes we would shamelessly soak innocent victims. I didn't feel too bad.

We tried getting Sis. Cobb, Sis. Tenny, and Sis. Mitchell, but they were too fast. We only had two oars and Danja and I couldn’t keep up. (Rebecca was in our boat, but we forgot to get her an oar. Plus, she had her camera to hold onto and I was already feeling guilty because there was plenty of water involved.) However, the leaders finally charged us and got their fair share of water. Canoeing was super fun. Everyone had a great time. (That is Lizzy, Corinne, and Lily)

By the time it was time to come in, not an inch of us was dry. Danja even jumped in as we neared the shore. I found out later that she was planning on tipping the canoe, but having Rebecca’s camera on board saved me. Thank goodness. Everyone pretty much looked the same...we all were drowned rats. But cute drowned rats.

I went and snuck a shower and then met my ward in the pavilion for the service project. I braided Robyn's hair and then Camie braided my hair.

They had quilts on tables and the girls were tying them. These quilts were going to girls of similar ages as those tying them; but girls without homes. All the quilts were made before camp, some by the young women, and then we tied ten quilts up there. I wasn’t quite sure how to tie a quilt. But I learned later when the Stake Leaders came out to finish the last one. It isn’t hard. Most things aren’t if you just take time to learn. The girls seemed to pick up on it quickly and did a great job.

Later, I went over to visit the girls and President Murray was over for lunch. We had a long conversation about Orange Mints. I gave one to June because she hates mint, but I don’t think you really taste the mint. While she was trying it, President Murray told us that one time he bought 9 bags at Target, which was all they had, because sometimes you can’t find them. June decided she liked them. SHOCKER!! Much later, in another campsite, I passed President Murray and he said he had something for me. It was an Orange Mint. He is the coolest guy.

Elayne brought 9-square from the Elementary. It was so fun. I have only see the kids play before, but I pretty much dominated. (Okay, not really. But I wasn't awful.) I ended up playing three separate times that day and when I went to bed my arms were SOOOO sore. Probably from rowing and 9 square. But it was a blast.

We had a long afternoon to ourselves since two wards were up on the challenge course. When I was walking with Sophie, we saw a deer bounding away through the woods. So she started to tell me a story about a deer. She said, “Just last night, we were at the fire pit and there was a deer right in the bushes nearby.” As she said this she pointed to bushes near us and gave a sigh of almost despair. Standing right there looking at us was a deer as if to say, ‘It isn’t so special to find a deer right there in the bushes.’ It made us laugh so hard. Her story was being acted out even as she said it.

Here are some pictures from flag. Everyone comes to the amphitheater and sits with their ward. This isn't the right day because I'm wearing the wrong clothes, but you get the idea. Love my cute 5th ward.

During flag that evening, President Murray and Brother Underwood did a skit where they were Superman and Mr. Incredible arguing about who was a better hero. They had some great dialogue. My favorite line was when Superman said, “Fly home Buddy.” Melinda usually writes the skits for the Brethren. She does a great job.

Tuesday night was the Faith walk, but we didn’t walk anywhere. Instead they had girls come out as the ten virgins. The unwise virgins were very funny. Abby Nielsen was hilarious as she talked about all her followers. Lily Stay was awesome with her black lipstick and serious slack face. Porsche was the cutest. She was a wise young woman and the pretend letter she wrote her father was so cute. The girls all did a great job. And it was sad when five were not admitted to the wedding. President Murray gave a great talk on building your oil in your own lamps. It was a great Faith Walk even if we didn’t walk anywhere. I love to see the girls build their testimonies. Girls Camp is such an amazing place to come closer to Christ.

In the evening we did star-gazing. A bit of a bust since the stars didn’t come out in full force, but we did find the Big Dipper and the North Star and the flyers with lights were a hit at the end. The girls had a lot of fun flinging those around.

Only bad part of day was that I lost my flonase. :( Not great to lose your allergy stuff in the woods. And I had just bought a new one. I never did find it, even when we cleaned out the cabin. I must have thrown it away by accident?

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