Monday, September 17, 2018

40 Pictures of Blurry Deer

Back in our old neighborhood we had a ward campout every year. In this new neighborhood, I don't think we have had one until this year. It has been a while since we used our tent, so we pulled it out a week early to make sure it was still in good standing and that the kids knew how to set it up.

It was a darn good thing we did. It smelled strongly of mildew. (It probably got packed up while it was still damp last time.) But despite the smell, the littles were thrilled with the tent. They wanted to sleep in it right away. I didn't feel comfortable having them out on the front lawn without an adult, so we put them in the back. The tent just fit.

The kids loved being out there. Granted their blankets were a little smelly afterward, but a good wash took care of that. And in the meantime, we left the tent up for a week. And the extra time airing out was just what the doctor ordered. By the time we took it to the ward campout, we could all handle being inside. (Meaning me and my too strong smeller.)

We arrived at the campground in the early evening. I had never been to Mutual Dell before. It is a church owned campsite, so they have people running it and plenty of rules and regulations. The first one we noticed was NO pets. Oops. We brought Pip because we didn't know any better. At this point, it would have been a bit of a drive to take her back, so we decided to sneak her in. (To be clear, this wasn't much fun for her or us. She was always under someone's shirt unless she was in the tent. Poor Pip.)

As I pulled in, one of the first things I saw was a humming bird feeder. I adore humming birds. It was so cool because there were several at the feeder at once. I think we saw seven at one time. When we got closer, only the bravest would stay, but they were so cool.

The evening was fun. We set up our tent. I got a new cot which I was trying out and Tyler got a hammock. He slept outside because he wanted to. But we also brought Kelsie with us and she probably felt better with just girls in the tent. (And one dog.)

We had dinner, compliments of the Relief Society, and then we went to play. Tyler brought the scouts nine square game and they set that up early. It was a huge hit, although most of the time it was mobbed by the young kids. We actually had a distinct lack of youth on the premises.

I spent all my time playing Spikeball. It was so fun. We had some epic games. Mandy played, Janille joined in. We got Jason and Jarom to play for a bit. We rounded out the evening with Mahonri and Jose. It was so fun. In fact, in the morning, we didn't have a lot of time, but we managed to play a couple more games with Mahonri.

Pearl borrowed my phone while everyone was playing. She had spotted some deer and she proceeded to take 40 pictures of them. This is the best one. (I think we need to have a tutorial.)

At night, they put on a program. It was not organized very well, but it was still fun. They had the girls sing the song from Girls Camp. I went up to sing with them since I knew it too. It made me cry just a little since I had been released from my girls camp calling. It was still fresh in my heart and made me
sad to think that next year they will go without me. Robyn and I got a selfie in the dark.

The evening wasn't too bad. The road is very close to the campsite and we could hear loud cars for a long time. I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep, but that is ridiculous since I can sleep through anything.

Tyler had a rough night in the hammock. I think he was cold. Too bad he didn't have the stowaway with him.

The men made breakfast and it was delicious. We forgot jackets and so the girls borrowed Tyler's at breakfast. Then they ran around as one person. Enjoy it while you can kids.

It was a very fun activity. It was nice to have a night out and it was great to use the tent and get it ready for Lake Powell. Summer is such a fun time.

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