Monday, September 3, 2018

Cazier Day o' Fun 2018

Last year Jami planned a Cazier Day of Fun, which is another word for reunion, but apparently the Cazier side doesn't jive with that word. But it went so well and was a blast. Thankfully, she planned another day of fun for us this summer as well. Thanks Jami...what would we do without you?

This year we met at Lava Hot Springs in Idaho. I have been to Lava Hot Springs a few times in the past. They are natural hot springs that have been adapted to make a swimming sort of area. You can choose which pool to enter depending on the amount of heat your body could handle. (I always stayed well away from the hotter side. I don't even like hot tubs.) We went there once for Roz's birthday, in the winter, and it was really fun.

In the meantime, they have expanded quite a bit. The hot springs are still there, but there is a huge swimming park that does not use the hot springs at all as far as I can tell. They are just in the near vicinity. There are slides and some platform diving. There is a kid's area inside with a rock wall, etc. It is a cross between 7-peaks and the Provo Rec Center. We have not been there since all of that was finished. It was pretty cool. People bring their canopies and make a day of it.

Once again, we didn't help plan the day, but we wanted to contribute. We brought some food, but our biggest addition to the party was shirts. This is our thing now. We enjoy doing it and the kids like to get involved. This year, we had Robyn helping with a design. But she left and went to CA and her initial design was too detailed. So we switched over to June and let her go to town. (To be clear, both girls are very good at art. June excels at fonts, but both could easily do a nice shirt design.) I really liked what June came up with.

Because of the woodsy font, we decided to go with green shirts. Hobby Lobby usually has all my shirt needs, but they didn't have all the sizes this time. We had to get half the shirts online. But amazingly, we managed to match colors exactly.

Except for our baby onesie. It came in spring green instead of Irish green. (Or maybe it was the other way around.) Regardless, it wasn't quite the same, but I figure he won't be wearing it for long.

We drove up in the morning and it was a gorgeous day. Once we got inside, we went straight to playing. It was a nice relaxing day. We swam, did slides, hung out at base camp and ate food.

Here is some of the crew. Tyler took more pictures than I did. He didn't get everyone, but he did a pretty good job. (Certainly better than I.)

Kolby's beard was pretty awesome. It causes him to do foolhardy things like jump off the highest platform.

Actually, he would do that without the beard as well. In fact, almost all the adults jumped off the top. Kathryn, Tyler, Kolby, J.R. Not me in case you are wondering. That thing was high!

I spent my time playing spikeball and teaching the new peeps. This is the first time we have played with our Idaho family. They weren't too bad, but they didn't really like it. Maybe if we played in a larger area. We were a bit confined by the stuff around us.

Some great memories were watching Kolby and K.J. smash cans on their heads. Don't worry, they were empty.

Also, I love this shot of the J Cazier's. I was trying to catch Henlee curled up against her dad, but you can also see LeGrand hanging out on momma's lap. Love it.

LeGrand was definitely our youngest member of the crew. He is a sweety. My kids love having a baby around.

It was a great long day playing in the water, relaxing, and then playing some more. We ended the evening by heading over for pizza at a nearby restaurant. The only problem was they only had tables outside and half of them were in the sun. It was so hot. (For those of us in the sun.) Here is table one hanging out in the shade.

Table two was half and half. (Shade was rapidly taking over their table though.)

And poor table three. We were really taking the heat.

Eventually the shade found us. Dinner was delicious, but everyone was ready to go home. It was a long day. Looks like Daisy is done.

What a great group. It was really fun to see everyone and hang out. Even after all day playing, we are still looking good.

Even you Pearl. Love the bowl on your head. This is what you do with a bowl when you don't want salad. Big surprise.

It was a fantastic day. Thanks again for organizing this Jami!

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