Saturday, September 8, 2018

Double Digits Daisy

Daisy is always very patient being the only summer birthday. Her birthdays are often a little scattered with people going here and there. This year, we were up in Idaho the day before her birthday. But we were back to play on her actual day. However, it was the sabbath so there were some limits. No balloons until Monday and only family activities.

Daisy really wanted to open presents right away, but she had to wait until the afternoon. Daisy got some fun gifts. Once again, I love this age where they are easy to please. I think everyone should enjoy small, simple gifts. It makes life a little sweeter.

Daisy's bigger gift was rollerblades. She has been borrowing Ivory's for a while, so it is nice that she has her own. And she is already pretty good on them.

I think I must be lazier in the summer because I have made Daisy ONE cake for her birthday. (In ten years, one cake? Wow. Although it was very creative.) We've done brownies, lots of cupcakes, and even some pie, but not a lot of cakes. So June and I thought we would make a fancy cake. I saw this picture online and it looked tasty.

The cake part went perfectly. Then there was a bit of a glitch with the frosting. There were some really complicated, detailed instructions for the frosting and I wasn't feeling it. But I thought I could do a little fudging and make it happen anyway. I bought store-bought frosting and added some pureed strawberries. But they didn't go well together and the frosting became sludge. Tasty sludge, but the wrong consistency for frosting. Then add the ganache on top and everything started to ooze. Then my white chocolate chips were pretty old and they didn't melt very well, which means they didn't drizzle very well. The overall product left a little to be desired. One might say that we NAILED IT.

Oddly, it looked better in person. Maybe because you could smell it. It smelled divine. And tasted even better, but we may have to work on presentation.

Daisy is patient with her mother's failures and she could not see any problems with her birthday cake. She happily blew out her number 10.

Daisy chose painting as her afternoon activity. The girls found some wooden things that have been sitting around waiting for some color and they spruced them up. I love their finished products. I wonder if you can guess who painted what.*

The following day, we made sure to get Daisy balloons. She is a good kid. We also went and did some sculpting but that is another post. Gotta love this tender-hearted kid. She makes every day special.

* June did the owl
Robyn did the bird
Ivory and Daisy did the flowers together
Pearl did the butterfly (she did an akuma from Miraculous. I was very impressed.)

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