Saturday, October 20, 2018

August 2018 Chatbook

I have never liked the word dump, for multiple reasons, so every time I do a phone dump, I cringe a little. It is a good description, but the phraseology is wrong. So, I finally decided what I want to call these monthly photo posts...chatbooks. After all, people print off their instagram all the time and make them into little chatbooks. All the photos I have from one month would make a fun little book, but instead I put them in one post. So I'll just call them a chatbook.

Let's start with the chickens. Our neighbor got new chicks sometime early summer I think. All I know is that they were small enough that they would escape the coop every day. They wandered around the neighborhood and they would frequently end up in our yard. (In late summer, you would find them eating the apples under our tree.) The girls loved to find chicken roaming around. They would hunt them down and catch them. Some of the kids got very good at it. Here is some proof of their efforts.

Here are the chickens sleeping on the coop fence...still not inside. They must have gotten too big to escape because I haven't seen them for a while.

I went back to work early August. I like to start making copies before school so I'm not overloaded when school starts. This year I went back to work on the 2nd and there was plenty to do all the way up to school starting. Looks at the piles. And this wasn't even close to all of it.

In August it was a year since we went to Texas. The rodeo was going over there and we were missing Virginia. She was so nice to send a care package our way. We sure love her!

Baby Le Grand was blessed up in Idaho. We were able to attend that blessed event. (Haha. Get it?) He is a sweet baby.

June went to a birthday party but she went early and helped make the cakes. I need to take some notes from Zuzu, because she clearly knows how to make a pretty cake. This is what I was going for when I destroyed Daisy's cake. These are beautiful and they were tasty too. June managed to sneak me home a slice.

Kids went back to school. On Back to School night, Daisy found out her teacher loves Harry Potter. They all became instant wizards. They chose a wand to take a picture. Daisy was later sorted into the Thestral house. She wanted Unicorns, but they will switch houses later on, so she still has a chance. (The teacher didn't do the traditional Harry Potter houses...who would want to be Slitherin?)

School started and kids were exhausted. Even though we got up early most of the summer, it still doesn't prepare you for the school routine.

A towel fell behind June's bathroom door and folded itself into such a strange shape. We decided it looked like a brain. You know we thought it was cool if we took a picture...

Ivory came home from Lake Powell with a sunburned nose. It peeled in stripes. Her eyes are so intense.

I'm going into my third year of work at the school. The machines have been persnickety to say the least. They jam and have plenty of issues, most of which I can fix. But we still see plenty of the copy machine repair guy. So, the principal decided to buy two new machines. Brand spanking new. They have been excellent and in general, I have no complaints. But I was sad to see my old friends go. Is it weird that I took pictures of them to remember?

Every summer we have sprinkler issues. (It is just par for the course.) We have had some serious problems in the front corner and Tyler spent weeks trying to get it fixed. He would think he had it repaired and then he would turn the water back on and there would be a problem. One day, he set Daisy to watch the pipe to see if there were any leaks. She came back splattered with mud. It was really funny. Turns out that pipe still needed a little work.

Robyn did Marching Band camp in August. This is a new venture for her. (And us.) Each section of the band was supposed to wear a certain color on the last day. Robyn is in the Pit. They are the percussion that stand at the front and don't actually march. (Can you imagine someone carrying around a marimba?) The Pit chose their color right away (black) and Robyn came home and ordered emergency shirts. Well, we are just cool enough to get shirts done almost overnight. Robyn had some inside joke about snails, so she designed the shirts and we screen printed them. Sure enough, Pit won the section award that day.

After searching for most of the summer, June got a job. It is not easy to find something when you are fifteen. She had several interviews that ended quickly when she wasn't sixteen or older. But she is officially making money now. I'm proud of her.

We met friends at a new park in Vineyard. I chatted with people the whole time, but Tyler went around and played with the kids and took some pictures. These two made me laugh.

Found some more edited pictures, compliments of Robyn. The first one is Ivory sporting the perfect floppy bun and war paint. The second is our annual trip to the eye doctor. Robyn's latent mutant abilities came out finally. (Makes sense, since her uncle is Cyclops.)

August brought some fun storms. I love storms and lightning and all that stuff. We had some days with downpours. I tried to take a picture, but it never does it justice. The rain was coming down like someone opened the heavens and emptied their tub above us. There was even hail. It was awesome.

Two more for the month. Tricia and I went for a walk in downtown Provo. It was such a calm relaxing evening unless you count the fight between the homeless old man and the profane punk kid. (Such excitement.) I really like some of the shops around there. And there is random art that I have never seen before.

Final picture for our chatbook! The girls and I went on a Mother/Daughter temple trip. They go often and I go often, but usually not together, unless you count me driving them. The temple is a beautiful place, and I have beautiful girls.

You made it through my first chatbook. It really is the same as any other monthly picture post. But I hoped you enjoyed it.

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