Wednesday, November 28, 2018


For some reason, there tends to be certain months for concerts: October, December, and May. This is what they should call each concert.

THEY WILL GET BETTER CONCERT: (October) The kick off concert so you can compare and feel like your child has improved by the end of the year.

YOU DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH TO DO THIS SEASON CONCERT: (December) Any excuse to play those songs you can only play once a year.

YOU NEED TO FEEL LIKE YOU GOT YOUR MONEY'S WORTH CONCERT: (May) We don't want you to forget that your child took this class all year.

There is quite a gap between December and May. That is when the kids do all their competitions. As parents, you can sit back and wait for the last concert, or be more involved and go to the different schools where your kid is performing in March. I've done some of both. I'm usually happy to attend any event where my child is performing. I'm trying to get better at combining these concerts. So today you will get a smidgen of choir, band, and orchestra. Enjoy.

First up was choir. Ivory is taking choir this year. I actually really enjoy choir concerts. Our choir teacher is retiring this year and so she is doing all her favorite songs. I'm not sure we have the same taste in music. But here is Afternoon on a Hill.

She is singing alto and I love that it has helped her hear harmony in many songs. She is still the shorty in the class, but that is good because she is usually on an end.

Next up was band. This one was fun because both Ivory and Robyn are playing percussion this year. Ivory played with Beginning Band. We sat in the front row by mistake which means we could hardly see her. (If you have a percussion player, the front row is not your first choice of seating.)

When Robyn played, I just moved seats so I could get better pictures. Here she is playing the Cabasa. It is a shaker instrument with a sound between a scrape and a rattle. You hold it in your hand and turn the handle to get the sound she is making. See if you can hear her in Midnight Escape.

Symphonic Band played some other numbers, but I only record a few...usually the kids favorites.

My favorite group is the percussion class. There is something really cool about an song done completely with percussion instruments. You can't see Ivory very well. She was playing the bells and her little frame gets lost in the background. Here is Escape from Pirate's Cove.

Robyn is doing Jazz Band again this year, but on piano instead of percussion. That means we have a good view of her. The Jazz Band did a good job. It always takes them a bit of time to get going with a new group.

The final October concert was Orchestra. June loves to play but she doesn't love her teacher at the moment. He is a band teacher who tries to teach orchestra as well. She says he is a bit boring. But I'm still glad she is playing. She auditioned for the Youth Symphony and was accepted, but I made her choose between Ballroom and Violin. (Not because I'm awful, but because it is good to make choices.) She chose Ballroom this year, but she may change her mind next year. June is 3rd chair at the moment which puts her on the outside, so I can see her. Yay!!

They played Mattachins, which is a sword dance June already played in Honor Orchestra. It was fun to hear it again.

Although it is a bit crazy to get to all the concerts, I enjoy each one I go to, and I'm so happy to see the kids developing their talents.

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