Monday, November 5, 2018

The Foreigner Birthday

June turned sixteen this year and I felt some stress about what to do for her sweet sixteen. Homecoming was the day before her birthday so she wasn't old enough to attend. Plus, I didn't want her going to a dance for her birthday. I wanted her to hang out with me. So I devised a plan with two of her best friends and we decided to steal her away for the day.

Christina and Hannah were so good about keeping it all secret. I eventually told June that we should invite her friends to have breakfast, but she didn't know they would be with us all day. On Saturday morning, bright and early (well, after June took her driver's test. She had her last day of Roading on Saturday morning. She passed!) we picked up friends and headed to Jamba Juice.

I really like Jamba Juice, but they are kind of pricey, so they are a special treat. Everyone looks happy, and I had to include the picture Robyn edited later.

We also had plans to go get Kolaches but when we arrived there was a line out the door with about 40 people waiting. Too much for us. So we decided to get breakfast further down the road and we had plenty of road since we were headed to Cedar City to watch a play. We finally stopped at Beto's and had breakfast burritos. They were very tasty. And big. We each shared. And we played SCUM while we ate. It was handy that I had a deck of cards in my purse.

On the ride down, we played a lot of Would You Rather. We decided that spies must write the questions, because many of the powers you could get or things you might do would be very useful to spies. (I guess that doesn't mean they wrote the questions. Just many of the powers would benefit them.)

We arrived with enough time to look around, visit the theater gift shop, buy a tart (the girls had lemon and I had chocolate raspberry) and find our seats. We drew cards to see where we would sit, and I scored a seat next to June. (Check out the photo bomber behind me and June. He's my favorite!)

The stage was really cool. It came out in a point towards the front.

We saw The Foreigner. It was so funny. The guy who played Charlie was so good. The story is that he doesn't want to be bothered so his friend, Froggy, tells everyone that Charlie is a foreigner and that he can't speak or understand English. So everyone talks around him like he can't hear. He ends up learning quite a few secrets. Betty was so funny talking really loudly around him. Ellard was fantastic with the breakfast scene. It was a non-stop laugh show. I don't want to give away the ending, but it was definitely worth the watch. Hannah, Christina, and June loved it!

Here we are outside the theater. We even ran into some stars. (Perhaps not the usual celebrities, but I like these kind.)

After the play, we walked Main Street and checked out the shops. There was some cool stuff and lots of fun shops to browse and amazingly I didn't buy anything. (That isn't like me.) We found these funny signs with different phrases. Everyone grabbed one they liked.

We discovered this awesome candy store that had more kinds of candy than I have ever seen, from all over the world. And they had a wall of soda that Tyler would have been in heaven to pick from. I wouldn't even know where to start, especially since I don't really like soda.

June could NOT decide on a place to eat dinner, so we finally chose Firehouse Subs. June doesn't like Subway so she was hesitant, but I told her it was so much better. And she loved it, although she got a serious bloody nose and was gone for a long time in the bathroom. But at least it wasn't during the play.

On the way home, the girls played Mau the whole time and I came up with some great rules that I couldn't use because I was driving. Bummer. We got home just after ten. We actually beat the family home since they were out watching Ivory's closing night of Robin Hood. I went straight to bed and missed Ivory coming home because it was a long day of driving. But I would do it all again. It was so fun to hang out with June and her friends. They are good company and I think June had a great birthday.

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