Sunday, December 30, 2018

Giving All the Thanks

We went to Idaho for Thanksgiving this year. Granny V is still on her mission, but her house is still the place where we all get together. We split up food assignments and all pitched in. It was a pretty fantastic meal. And the company was great as always.

Pip is always the princess when she returns to her stomping grounds. The rest of us are only there for warmth and occasional snuggles. However, with LeGrand around, all the kids just want to snuggle on the baby.

I put the girls to work in the kitchen. We made pies and fruit salad. Kathryn came up with an ingenious way to cut grapes. Rozz and Robyn probably cut apples for over an hour between pies and fruit salad.

We played some games and hung out together. Robyn won Beyond Balderdash which is not an easy game to win.

The boys are looking good as always.

Henlee is too cute for words. I love her walking in a dress and coat with a puppy to boot.

Then she instantly changes to cowboy sidekick for Pearl. All in a days work.

The kitchen was often crowded and busy, but it is the best kind of busy for a holiday and it all led to feasting.

Looks like Rozz, Jack, and Daisy are flossing to work off the extra pounds. Who am I kidding? Those kids could use some extra pounds.

We hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your loved ones.

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