Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Second Sundays

Second Sundays are the best Sunday of the month because we have the college kids over to play and eat dinner with us. They are Camille's cute nephews and nieces that we met at Lake Powell over the summer.

Shall we meet them again? There's Zach. Right off his mission heartthrob. Sorry ladies. I hear he is waiting for a sister missionary to come back.

But he has a TWIN! Meet Josh. Red headed, tall, and  super responsible. He works as a RA (Resident Assistant) at his building.

We saved the best for last! Maddie. She has it all. Beautiful, funny, and killing it at college. We love Maddie.

There is also lovely Audrey, but she hasn't been able to come as many times and I don't have a picture of her. She turned in her papers and is leaving on a mission in February. We are going to miss her muchly.

We try and make yummy food for the kids since college kids are not known for having a lot of variety in their diet. We mix it up. One month we had calzones. I made the kids assemble their own. That was actually quite fun.

Tyler might have gotten carried away.

We've had some fun times. We've played lots of games. Introducing them to Moods was pretty funny.

Check out Zach doing yoga. This guy is amazing.

We've taught all three to saber bottles. I don't know what happened to Zach's video, but you can check out Maddie and Josh. They are pros now.

It takes Maddie a little longer to get it, but it was because she wasn't holding the bottle quite right. One adjustment and she is a pro.

December was really fun. We did a White Elephant Bingo game. June was ridiculously lucky. She bingoed right away and picked the only gag gift. Hahaha.

Zach, I'm so sorry that I missed getting your unicorn horn in the picture. It was a great night and it was really fun to play and unwrap. I definitely want to do that again next year. My favorite was Josh getting the small kitty purse that was actually a steal because it was full of random small gift cards. I loved to see him wearing it later. Better keep that thing close.

Second Sundays are the best. Everyone looks forward to them and the good news is that there is always another one right around the corner.

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