Sunday, January 6, 2019

Honor Band

We have only been to Honor Orchestra before, but it makes sense that they have Honor Band as well. Robyn was nominated and she attended the rehearsal, although it was during school which is different than Orchestra.

Then we went as mostly a family to go watch. Pearl had a tumbling meet the same day and so Dad stayed behind to bring her. But he made it before they were finished playing so he saw the best number.

As usual, Robyn plays percussion, so she is going to be in the back, but at least she was on the side at the beginning so I could get a picture.

This first song was Robyn's favorite. It was called Eagles Among Us. Robyn was on Vibraphone.

We were a very good audience, clapping at all the right parts.

In fact, does it ever bother you that no one can figure out NOT to clap between movements? This song didn't apply, but during June's orchestra concert, the conductor explicitly told everyone not to clap until the end, and people still did...the majority. Oh well, uncultured yogurt that they are.

Tyler made it there for the last song, which was African Bell Carol, but which Robyn likes to call A Freakin Bell Carol. (haha) This one featured percussionists so they were sitting and standing up front. I don't know if you can hear the drum solos, but Robyn does eight measures of those.

Honor Band is always a rush event. One day of rehearsals, then a day of performing. So busy, but a pretty cool event. Robyn saw friends she knew like Sophie, who plays multiple instruments extremely well, and Sidney who was a new friend she made in the percussion section.

The only annoying part was sitting for the rest of the performances after. Tyler took all the kids home, but I hung out and waited for Robyn. Personally, I think the Junior High Band was more interesting.

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