Saturday, January 26, 2019

Spivy Flying

How about a current event? Or mostly current. If something happened in the last month, I consider it current. I mentioned that my back went out on the first of January and I had pain for nine days until I went in to get an epidural shot. I left that same day for Washington to visit my family.

I had this trip planned for quite a while. It was my gift to my family for Christmas, and I was taking Ivory because I like to take at least one child with me and it was her turn.

It was certainly sketchy getting ready. I couldn't imagine how I was going to travel in so much pain, but the shot was awesome and hours later, I was in the airport, ready to go. The great thing was that Camille, my good friend, had been visiting Utah and was traveling back to WA and we happened to have the same flight. Kismet. I adore her.

We have known Camille for so long that my kids think of her as an aunt. She is just part of the family. So Ivory was thrilled for another traveling companion.

And with a little finagling, we were able to get seats together. The airline was able to move Camille back to the same row, but not on our side, but a kind lady gave up her seat so we could all sit together. There are still very kind people in the world.

It was great to chat with Camille and really catch up. She is such an example to me of greatness. What a blessing to be able to fly with her.

We made it safely to the Dargan's house and we commenced playing games. I wasn't up for much since I was still trying to baby my back, so I sat and played games the majority of the time, while my mom made me good food. (Yes, I was a little spoiled.) Ivory spent plenty of time down with Miranda watching movies, but they came up frequently to play with us.

Games played:
Fan Tan
Scotch Bridge
Wise and Otherwise
Apples to Apples
Forbidden Desert
Luck of the Knock
Caveman Telephone

Movies Watched:
Conan the Destroyer
Incredibles 2
Lost in Space
Free Reign
Princess Switch

And we still managed to have time for the gift exchange which was very fun. The gift cards were the big hit. Mom got gift cards and put fun expressions on the outside of envelopes. I got "A Rhyming Wonderland" (Hobby Lobby). Ivory got "Indian, Atlantic, Pacific" (See's). I really liked "I'm in the Dark on This One" (AMC movies).

All too soon, it was time to go. I left with my back feeling pretty good and my belly full of good food. It was a great trip. It was even pretty foggy on the morning we left. I really like fog and it is one of the things I miss living in Utah.

Back to the airport we go. Tim and Mom dropped us off. They look sad but I think those are fake faces. :)

The plane ride back was good. We chatted and enjoyed each other's company. We decided to skip watching movies since it was Sunday and it was nice to spend time together. Ivory took some great pictures out the window. The mountains are so pretty.

Here we are...the airplane crazies. It was such a great trip. My family was so kind while I was still a little out of commission and Ivory put my socks on every day. She is a great traveling companion. Hopefully we can visit again soon.

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