Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Hardest Night to Sleep

Christmas Eve is always a fun day. Kids are excited and a little hyper waiting for the day to end and the next to begin. We don't have a lot of traditions nailed down to Christmas Eve. We do have jammies and cookies for Santa, but other than that...we wing it.

This last Christmas, we brought out some bottles to saber. There were a couple of the young'uns who hadn't had their shot. We only had two bottles, and Ivory and Pearl spoke first, so they got the honor of breaking in Christmas Eve.

They both did a great job!

The hours tick down until it is finally time to open Christmas Eve gifts. Is everyone ready?

What a surprise...pajamas. How come these girls are so cute?

We forgot to get a gift for Pip. She seemed upset and proceeded to walk all over Pearl. What a diva.

Robyn made cookies and Santa is lucky because she makes the best cookies ever. Except I think these may have been the ones she put cinnamon in. (Don't do it, chocolate chips cookies should NEVER have cinnamon.) Daisy was so cute to leave an apple for Rudolph.

Amazingly, these kiddos fell asleep, and not even that late. We have them all sleep upstairs on Christmas Eve. Little did we know this was foreshadowing, since J.R. was coming to live with us just two weeks later and all the girls would be upstairs semi-permanently.

I was busy putting stockings together and Tyler was busy camouflaging a gift. I told him to hide it somewhere. I didn't realize he would try to hide it in plain sight. Not too bad, babe.

You could still kind of see it, but I still think that is the most clever wrapping I have seen yet.

The last thing to go up is the forcefield, or ribbon of death. Anyone crossing this barrier too early will suffer. The sign actually says: No pianists, violinists, or percussionists admitted. Punishment: Ignominious death. p.s. Also no tumblers

We are such good parents.

Stay tuned for Christmas morning, although I plan to put some other posts in between, so don't hold your breath.

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