Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Yes You're Very Smart, Now Shut Up

Ivory has really enjoyed doing plays with Pam. And she seems to be the only one who has extra time. So when Pam decided to throw together Princess Bride at the last minute, only Ivory was crazy enough to volunteer. However, others of us may have been roped in slightly.

To explain the insanity of casting and the tight schedule, the first read thru for the play was on the 3rd, and the show opened on the 19th. (Well, it is Pam, so the show actually opened the next day. But you get the idea.) Such a short amount of time to pull it all together. This was all done for Caleb, who played Westley. He was leaving on a mission on the 30th of January, so it had to be an abbreviated schedule. And the cast was great. They worked hard and it all came together nicely.

Most people had multiple rolls. Ivory had FIVE! She was:
The Priest
Buttercup's Mother
One of the Hag group
The kid

Pam had tried to talk Tyler into playing the part of Humperdink multiple times. Or the grandfather, since they hadn't cast anyone for that part or the kid (at the time). Tyler knew he wouldn't have time, so he kept declining. Then I got an email from Pam asking if we would be willing to film the grandfather's part. Ivory would play the kid, I would be the mom and we would get it all done in one afternoon. That, we could do.

So Pam and Caleb came over with a camera one afternoon and we got it all put together. Ivory did a great job and so did Tyler. He did his voice a little differently and it was fantastic. My part was minuscule which was just as well, since I was broken at the time. (But I was still amazing in my four lines.) For the show, they used the wall as a screen. They would show clips of the grandfather and kid and then there would be background pictures depending on what scene was going on. I think it was a cool effect over all.

We went as a family on the second night and there were some technical difficulties, so we didn't see all the video scenes, so I came back another night and everything worked perfectly. I also sat in the front row the second time around to get some better pictures. You can follow the pictures through the show and see what you remember from the movie.

This show incorporates parts from the book and the movie. The beginning (which isn't in the movie) ended up being my favorite part. Ivory and Ashton were Buttercup's parents and they were hilarious. It was all very deadpan and they didn't smile at all while they said their funny lines.

There was a whole section about Count Rugen coming to visit the farm and learn about their cows. Missy played the countess who had a desire for Westley and I thought I would die laughing. Missy is one of the least flirtatious girls I know. (In Three Princes she wouldn't even kiss Steven on the nose.) Here she was playing a lusty countess and she was superb.

Eduardo ended up taking the Humperdink role. (Eduardo lives farther away and told me he wouldn't be doing this play, but he is a softy and must have been talked into it.) He was excellent and I love his curls. Here he is telling Buttercup why they should marry.

Speaking of curls, Cedros had the biggest hair ever. He is naturally very tall, so he made a great giant, but his hair was spectacularly poofy and was the icing on the cake.

Can see Tyler in the background reading as the grandfather while Vizzini and company pause as he describes the shrieking eels?

The scenes as Westley scaled the cliffs of insanity, fought Inigo, wrestled Fezzik, and tricked Vizzini were all excellent. I couldn't get a good picture of the sword fight because they moved too quickly. (They were all blurry.)

They made it to the Fire Swamp and then out came the cutest ROUS you ever did see. This is when Westley sees the rodent but doesn't say anything because he doesn't want to alarm Buttercup.

However, ROUSes are sneaky things and they are going to get you! The lighting wasn't great during these scenes, so I took a little video of Ivory jumping on Caleb.

Fast forward a little. I didn't get any good pictures of Ivory as the hag. She was really great. Here is Tyler telling her that the king died and the Princess and Humperdink were married.

When they clear the Thieves Forest, drunk Inigo was so hilarious. His reunion with Fezzik was pretty sweet.

Miracle Max was good and Missy was excellent as Valerie. Once again, they saved Westley!

 Caleb is tall and lanky, but he was obviously heavy enough that it was funny to watch Alek and Cedros drag him around. Caleb was really good at being limp.

Then came the mawage. This scene could have been funnier, but it was weird because it chopped back and forth between dread pirates Fezzik and such. Still a good one.

Inigo fought and killed Rugen. Yay!

Westley told Humperdink about the PAIN and then told him to drop his sword. Eduardo did a perfect line about "I knew you were bluffing. I knew he was (sword at throat) bluffing.

All's well that end's well. Have you ever considered piracy? You'd make a wonderful Dread Pirate Roberts.

And finally the perfect kiss. Except that Caleb and Amy never kissed. They got close several times, but then they smirk at the audience and run off. It was a great way to end it.

We end back in our living room as Grandpa wraps up the story and Ivory asks him to come again tomorrow. "As You Wish."

Everyone bow. You were amazing!

Ivory did such a good job. She had friends come and support her which I thought was really cool.

This cast was so fun. Here are a few pictures. We never got a great picture, but these are fun.

On closing night, Ivory showed me pictures she had taken on Darian's (Rugen) phone. She had edited one of each cast member. I didn't have time to send them all to myself, so I took my favorite. (Darian's eyes aren't quite that blue, but they sure look stunning in that picture.)

These plays are such fun. I really enjoyed this one. It was a great cast and Ivory wasn't gone too much since it was such a short run. I'm sure you'll see her again.

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