Saturday, March 23, 2019

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

There is still plenty of stitching going on around these parts. It is mostly June and me, but sometimes the others get involved. Tyler has become concerned about how fast we are churning out projects. Read: Framing is expensive. I actually really want to learn to frame myself. Someday.

I'm very proud of our finished products. We have been working on these trees for quite some time. I had seen one of these finished at a shop and it looked so cute. However, the stitcher has done it in teal. So interesting. I wanted to do the regular green, but June went for a winter tree with a frosted trunk and blue leaves. I love both of them so much. I really can't choose a favorite.

I framed my queens. These came together very quickly and I really liked how they turned out. Lots of beads. So darling when finished. (I don't mind beads...just sparkly thread.)

Sometimes my mother will give us cute stitching patterns for our birthdays. I had a Santa one in the works for a long time. June was much faster finishing hers. It was supposed to be a table runner, but I liked it much more on the wall. And she did this one so quickly. I really love the red, shiny frame.

I was inspired and I finished my Santas as well. They look so homey. Notice I also went for a shiny red frame. :)

Stitching is such a fun, relaxing hobby for us. Often we will watch a movie and stitch. I can always tell when I am really enjoying a movie, because not much stitching will get done. Currently, I'm working on a witch to match one June has already finished. And June is working on an extremely huge flower. The only way to slow her down is to give her a very large piece to work on. It should hold her for a year...maybe.

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