Thursday, March 7, 2019

Dressed in Holiday Style

Back in time, we left our intrepid Christmas explorers snug in their beds, dreaming of sugar plums or butterfingers. Naturally they woke up before their bushed parents, but they were kind enough to sit outside our door and sing carols to wake us up. Well, I was awake, but we had to rouse the father figure.

Everything looked good downstairs. Stockings were placed on the couch with care and it looked like our hopes of St. Nicolas being there (earlier) came true.

I've found that it doesn't make sense to document everything, but it is fun to remember the basics. Stockings and Santa presents were opened first. Everyone seemed to get something good.

We used to pause for breakfast, but we don't anymore. All presents are opened before anyone eats. I got these cool oven mitts.

I did the pose from the card in the game Compatibility. Oddly, I think both Dad and I remembered her wearing oven mitts because there are some in the picture, but turns out, she is not wearing them. Close enough.

Everyone had to take a turn wearing the mitts and trying to open a present.

Possibly the best present opening was Robyn when she got her phone. Tyler had camouflaged it in the corner. Then when all the presents were open, I called the new phone. The ringtone was us calling out to Robyn to come find her present. It didn't take her long. And there were actual tears of joy from her. She was beyond happy to finally have a phone.

This smile says it all.

We got her a clear case and look at the cute art she put in there.

The rest of the day was nice and relaxing. There was some Christmas napping, some Lorax impressions and some game playing. The Hulse's came over in the evening and we played Kill Dr. Lucky. It was really fun.

Another successful Christmas. Everyone seemed to enjoy their presents, but it was just great to be together as a family.

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