Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Come for the Events, Stay for the Books

The library has some fun activities to tempt the kids inside. At the Junior High, they did a Fan Art Contest. All the kids draw or create an artwork based around some kind of show, cartoon, or video game character. (I think the genre is quite broad.) Robyn got involved, since she loves to create.

For being an amateur art contest, it wasn't bad. The kids voted on their favorites, so it wasn't a very official contest. I believe one of the winners drew a picture of Shaggy (from Scooby Doo) on the back of a notebook page. That is great that he won, but I think some pieces had more work that went into them. Here are my top four favorites. Guess which is Robyn's.


Any guesses? She did Carmen Sandiego! I really love it. She tried water color which she hasn't used a lot before. The new Carmen Sandiego show is pretty cool. I've only seen a couple episodes, but my kids like to watch.

At the High School, they did a Easter contest, having kids create a Peep Diorama. June, Hannah, and Christina went to town. They only had a couple afternoons to put everything together, but I loved their project. Very creative. They did Beauty and the Peep. (I like the titles more when they add the word Peep.)

Check out the detail. Christina made the chandelier, June did a lot of the dress, and Hannah worked on the beast.

I think he should have a beard too, but it is okay. After they submitted their diorama, they realized that most people put a LOT more stuff inside. Theirs was pretty sparse, but I still loved it. Here are a couple more entries from students. Love this one, also a bit more sparse.

This one gets points, in my mind, for the guillotine, but loses them for not calling it The Scarlet Peepernel.

This book is on my list to read this summer. I'm sure I'll understand more then.

This was a winner from last year, I think. Peepy Hollow...that is good. (And I'm digging the headless Peep.)

Then there were the teachers. Oddly, most of the entries were from the teachers, who went all out. They must think of this stuff all year. These were pretty amazing and I'm glad they were there so that there was more to look at.

Seriously cool though. Teachers...they are always the best. They don't get paid enough for their level of coolness. And libraries too. I love a good library contest.

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