Saturday, April 13, 2019

Her Royal Nineness

It is always a bit crazy when Pearl and Ivory both have a friend party just a week or so apart. But we get it done and they are always a blast.

Pearl happened to have no school on her birthday and we had the party the same day. I like afternoon parties because then you can detox in the evening. I still got balloons for Pearl as I was running errands before the party. Hahaha. I love the big llama balloon. You can't see it well, but I tied them to a beanie boo llama. So darling.

The girls put the balloons over the can lights before the party. It gives it a cool ambiance, but really it is too dark. Reminds me of the room before we got the can lights.

While kids were coming in, we played some Scream. (I already told you we use this game all the time.) However the girls made hardly any noise. It was really funny. No one actually screamed. They would just look at each other and laugh.

Pip was very bored by the whole thing. We eventually had to put her upstairs. A house full of 8 and 9 year-olds was a bit much for the pooch. 

When everyone arrived, we lined them up to assign shirts. All the girls has RSVP'd with their shirt size and we did pretty well. We only had one girl who was not satisfied and someone switched with her.

Pearl and Tyler had made a design together. We have gotten more use out of that screen than I ever thought we would.

All the girls watched while we did a demo. Pearl showed them how it was done.

Then we split the group in two. Half were in the kitchen with me making Jolly Rancher Suckers and the other half were inking shirts with Tyler. They just rotated through. When they finished one, they went to do the other.

When everyone was basically done, we sent the kids into Carnegie to get ready for BINGO. I like to use Cheerios, but one of Pearl's favorite gluten free cereals is Trix, so we went for that. Pearl was busy distributing markers for the boards.

The girls ate some before, after, and in between. Good thing we had a lot of Trix.

I had bought a whole bunch of random items for gifts. They were all wrapped on the table and when someone got a BINGO, they opened a gift. The girls also could steal from other people, but no one ever did. They were pretty polite. Plus, they could exchange at the end.

I liked that some of the girls used matching markers. Their boards looked so pretty. 

Everyone seemed to enjoy BINGO. There was a lot of exchanging at the end. I think only a few kept their original gift, which is fine with me. Jocelyn arrived late. BINGO was almost over. We hurried and made a shirt for her and I stuck more Ranchers in the oven. (I didn't want her to go away empty handed.) Look at all the cute shirts drying. We tried to them all in purple but they didn't have quite enough.

Pearl had a lot of fun opening gifts. I didn't see it all because I was in the kitchen making shakes. She didn't do a traditional cake because of the gluten, so she opted for chocolate shakes, which are always yummy. Robyn took pictures for me most of the day. (I need to teach her to take less pictures. I hate looking through over 200 photos.)

When all the extra kids left, we had dinner. We ordered gluten free pizza and I put Pearl's candle in there because it would just sink in a shake. Because gluten free is abbreviated GF, we often call things Girlfriend, instead of gluten free. So Pearl would say, 'Girlfriend pizza'. I like it and it is like a code we have to label food.

Make a wish Pearl. You are pretty fantastic. I'm so glad you are in our family. I can't believe my baby is 9!

Pearl is winning the tall battle right now. See if you can find each of the girls at age 9.

Lunch with Dad was the next day, since she could miss school for it. That is one of the highlights of birthdays. I love our family traditions.

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