Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Sly Stellar Skulking Skills

Robyn is taking Studio Art this year, but things are a little different than last year since the teacher changed. However, they still managed to do the Studio Art field trip to the Springville Art Museum. It is one of my favorite shows of the year since they feature all the best high school art in the district.

I came as a chaperone since I didn't want to miss that one. (Next year, I'll have no excuse to go with no kids in art.) Robyn sat with me and as we left the school, she said something snarky about me, while using an 'S' adjective. That started a weird competition where we thought up 'S' adjectives for the next four hours. There are a LOT of them. And I know we didn't get them all.

Our first stop was the Art Museum, where they broke us into groups and had us take a tour. They mentioned that one section had Science Fiction art. That is what I wanted to see. But our tour managed to go to three other sections first. One lady talked so long about one piece of art that I left. (Yes, I am a responsible chaperone.) I knew we only had so much time and I didn't want to miss the one section upstairs that I wanted to see the most.

The Sci-fi art didn't disappoint. Check out some of these cool pieces.

Then we went downstairs to see the High School art. There are so many different mediums and interesting pieces. I could spend hours walking around. Enjoy some of my favorites.

This was my favorite of all the pieces. If you can, zoom in. There is so much detail to this picture and I love all the funny book titles.

Back on the bus, we took a selfie. (While thinking of more 'S' adjectives of course.)

We ate lunch at the mall and then amazingly enough found another school art show on display there. My girls have had pieces showcased at the mall, but not this time around. But we did find a painting by Sophie. I love her art.

Finally, we went upstairs to the Woodbury Art Museum. They have some interesting pieces, but in general, I like some of the other shows more. Check out the third picture. So unique. All the beauty products are made with plants and natural ingredients. I'm not sure what it was called, but I would call it, 'Natural Beauty.'

That's it. I should have taken more pictures of me and Robyn, but we were enjoying the art. Next year I'll have to be self motivated and go to the art show on my own. And I'll make sure to take the whole family.

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