Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Pearl's 9 Year Gallery

Well, we are a bit behind on picture taking, but really the weather has been so unpredictable all spring that there haven't been many opportunities to take pictures. And Pearl didn't seem too keen on going anyway. This last Saturday I said something about pictures, but she didn't want her hair done and she didn't really want to take any. It took mention of a treat to get her moving in the right direction. (Ah, the power of sugar.)

June was going on a tandem biking date for MORP, so I had some time to kill and it seemed the perfect opportunity to spend time with Pearl, taking pictures and (don't forget) eating a treat. The day was sunny and pretty and Pearl was sunny and pretty and it was an all around enjoyable experience. I can't believe she is already nine. My baby is nine! Actually, most days that doesn't seem too old. When my baby is 20, I'll start freaking out.

Pearl has many sides to her personality. She is a chipper little thing most of the time, but sometimes she can get quite sullen. She wants to do things well and she is her own worst critic. We think she is pretty awesome most of the time. She adds a great balance to our family and I think she rounds us out nicely. Enjoy these cute photos.

And of course, we got treats at the end. Actually, we were pretty hungry and Pearl requested not just sweet stuff. She wanted real food as well. Luckily, Kneader's was handy with food in each category. Love this little bug and I'm glad we got her pictures done.

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