Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Camo Eggs are Hard to Find

I'm still wading back into April every now and then to keep getting posts done. Summer hasn't been as time awarding as I had hoped, but I still feel good about my schedule. And I never get any complaints from my readers. ;)

Today, we'll take you back in time to Easter. It was at the end of April, which is my favorite time to have it. The weather is usually a bit nicer and it is far away from St. Patrick's day. (I don't like my holidays too smooshed together.) June asks almost every year if she can help hide eggs and I tell her no because I don't want her to see where I hide things, but this year, I let her. She hid all of Ivory's eggs and maybe Robyn's? It made hiding things so much faster. It was great.

Once everything was hidden, these five got their buckets and they are ready to go.

This year, there was only five seconds between people leaving the house. Pearl doesn't really need a head start anymore.

Last one out the door as usual, but there is still plenty to find.

We used the Warner's yard again. I like having both sides of the street to hunt and they are so kind to let us use their lawn. It does mean kids go skipping across the street often, but luckily, we aren't a high traffic area.

Daisy's bucket looks full already. How are you going to get more eggs in there?

Remember how June hid Ivory's eggs. Well she put plenty of them in hard to reach places. I'm much nicer when hiding eggs, but it was good that Ivory had to work for hers. (Actually, I'm probably not nicer, I'm just lazier. After all, to hide an egg high in a tree, you have to climb the tree.)

Robyn's bucket also looks full. Is she winking at me, or is it just sunny?

June is still looking. I can't remember what color each person had, but I love looking for eggs by color. It means everyone gets the same amount and less fighting. Yay!

This year I had numbered categories. You could pick up one of each number. For instance, the body spray was number 2. You could only pick up one #2, but if you found another, you could exchange it. There were also chocolate bunnies, loofah sponges, and some other treats.

And the camo eggs of course. This is what a stash looked like when all recovered.

Inside, the girls were looking through their treasures. June didn't have all her camo eggs and I was having trouble finding them even though I hid them all AND had a map of where they were. But does one camo egg matter?

Well, it does when it happens to be the one holding the fiver. June finally found it with my help. Man, those things disappear into the underbrush once you place them. But she didn't mind waiting for it.

There you have it. Easter egg hunt. Sweet, simple, and lucrative.

1 comment:

  1. You are much more creative with your Easter Egg hunts that I was, although your kids do miss out on hearing the bunny stomp around downstairs.
