Friday, June 14, 2019

Friend Crack

I still can't decide which is the bigger highlight of Easter time, the egg hunt or the Crack Off? Maybe next year I will tell the kids they can only do one and see which they choose. Although that seems mean and it may lead to tears. 

This year was actually quite low on the amount of Crack Offs. The kids usually do one with their friends, but they didn't get it organized. Tyler didn't do one at work. We gave up on the adult Crack Off a couple years ago, which left a school one and a family one.

Daisy is the right age so I went into her classroom to do a Crack Off. They seemed to like it and the kids were very well behaved. Here are some of the eggs ready to go.

These two kids were first and second place. (Cassie and Bronson)

This is my egg. I didn't compete, but Charity and I did a demo. This egg was patterned after the shirt I was wearing. 

Instead of a neighborhood Crack Off, we got together with the Neilsen's and their family for Easter. Camille had a lot of her family over for dinner and they had an egg hunt for the kids and a Crack Off after. We brought a lot of eggs and spent some time decorating there. The decorating is not an important part of the process outside of our house. We still had fun, but June was very sad that she wasted her Spikeball idea too early. She thought she should have saved it for our family one. (I agree.) I did really like the one Josh made. He would spin his egg over and over and just touch a pen or marker to it while it spun. It made such a cool effect. (And amazingly it didn't crack before the event.)

The egg hunt was for the littles, but Camille included my younger kids. It was pretty cute and everyone found some eggs. A lot of the kids played on the trampoline. Do you recognize some of those 'kids'? (Zach and Tyler)

The Crack Off was really fun. It was a little busy with so many people in the bracket, but everyone milled around and waited for their name to come up. Do you like our new coral? We made it this year and it is holding up quite nicely. A little bigger than the last one and much sturdier since it is PVC pipe surrounded by a pool noodle.

Everyone had a good time. Bay was our smallest contender. She did a good job with her Dad.

Karen's egg got smacked right on the eye. X marks the spot.

I love Howard's concentration face in this one.

Here is Camille doing an eggzamination to find any cracks.

We Cazier's were all knocked out pretty early. It came down to Eric and Tyler (Eldrige). Tyler was our big winner. I think one of our prizes was opened as a snack, so we only had one gift, but the bragging rights were the true prize in this family.

We had a great time and this made us really excited for our own family Crack Off. But we were ready to decorate for real this time. There is more prestige for winning that in our family than just winning the Crack Off. Stay tuned for some fun designs...

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