Friday, July 12, 2019

Cinco Adios Mama e Perla

I'm a little slow getting week five out into the blogosphere, mainly because I exited the state and did not take my computer. (If you want to enjoy a vacation, try to unplug as much as possible.) As usual, it was a busy week full of fun, adventure, and imagination. We started the week by playing with old friends and chilling. We formed some great friendships in our former neighborhood and although we don't get together often, they are always worth hanging out with.

Our movie that week was The Black Cauldron. That is a super weird show that I did not finish. I went to take a nap. I still have never seen the whole movie.

Our treat for the week was crepes. I thought it was odd that one of the kids chose crepes for the summer. We actually have crepes fairly frequently. In fact, we have a crepe menu up year round.

Sometimes, we don't have all the options on hand, but this time, we had it all: cream cheese, strawberries, raspberries, lemon, nutella, etc. We still do not have a crepe pan, but by now, I don't even want one. We have these down.

June says the whipped cream was lame and threw off her lovely decorating. But I think you can tell that these crepes are tasty.

Week five had a major holiday stuck in the middle of it. Maybe you've heard of it? The Fourth of July?? We still don't have an traditions that must happen. We've done the breakfast a couple years in a row now. I was helping out again and we brought water jugs. I got my crew lined up helping me. These peeps are the best.

We usually have a parade for the kids on their bikes, but this year, Becca brought face paint as well and naturally my girls were helping out. They did such a good job. Every time I turned around, I 'd seen another cute design. Look at these fun faces.

Mahonri got ahold of Pearl and did a spikeball on her cheek.

Speaking of spikeball, June insisted that we bring the net and it was a good call. We played the morning away. I may have gotten a little sunburnt since I wasn't planning on all the extra exposure in the morning.

I had grand plans to go miniature golfing with the kids and I had candy bars for awards. But all my plans were foiled when our nearby golfing place was closed. Bummer. Then I had a whole bunch of candy bars that I probably shouldn't eat by myself. So I made up a game. I put out eight cards with the candy bars randomly written underneath. When it was your turn, you'd roll a die. If you got a five or six, you could look under two different numbers and then choose which one you wanted or take another at random. If you rolled a three or four, you could only look under one number before choosing, and if you rolled a one or two, you just had to choose at random. It was actually quite fun.

Everyone seemed to get something they liked, except for me and Daisy and we switched at the end.

Our day was really chill. We enjoyed each other's company and played games. I didn't make a holiday themed dinner, but with the jello and the girls place settings, it looked very festive.

In the evening, we didn't have big plans either, so we went to our go to up on top of the University parking. The girls think the best part is riding their scooters down the levels of the parking garage. Then they ride the elevator up. Tyler did not participate this year, so he didn't end up with any road rash. From up above we took pictures of the girls at the bottom. Can you see them all the way down there??

June had to work, so we didn't have the whole crew, but it was still fun.

Nova doesn't love fireworks, but she was pretty good the whole time.

The day after, we went to watch a play called Cries of Freedom. June had a friend from work who was performing in it. It was a very touching play and the singing was quite good. We decided the blond girl was the best. At the end, she was the statue of Liberty and she held her arm up for a good 15 minutes and sang several songs. It looked really hard. On the way back to the car, we all tried holding up our arm. I made it to the car, but I'm not sure I could do it for 15 minutes.

Now for the art show. The theme this week was SPEED. Pearl and I left town, so we didn't get to see the show in person. Which is too bad since there was a performance. June did an arrangement of fiddle tunes. Listen up.

 Pearl had some fun pieces. Her slow turtle was very cute and I liked her speedy pants.

Daisy did some digital art which we haven't seen before. Nice.

June also did sketches of many shoe brands. Can't be speedy without good foot attire.

Ivory had a nice pun on the theme.

I focused on the famous 5-second rule. If you are speedy enough, you never have to worry.

Daisy and Pearl did an interesting art project. Using the tops of mini cups, they made the FLASH logo. Very creative. (And he, indeed, is speedy.)

Finally, Robyn made a flip book. Not only is the story about speed, but you have to flip the book quickly in order to make it work. (Mind blown with this double use of speed.)

Let's see what the judges thought. (Okay, there was only one judge. What did he think?)

Another happy week under our belts. Pearl and I are back in town and I'll share our adventures soon.

1 comment:

  1. Speed???? Not something I ever attain unless I'm in a car or on a rollar coaster. Well, perhaps on one of those scooters as Disneyland....
